(Kankuro) Marionette

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From: Naruto (?)/ Naruto Shippuden

Genre: #Romance #Puppet #Artaficial Limbs #Sunagakure #Sasori

Name: Mai Odori - meaning 'Ocean' or 'Elegance' in Chinese. In japanese, it means 'Brightness' 'flowers' or 'Dance'. Her last name 'Odori' also refers to the japanese traditional dance 'Odori Ebi', sometimes just called odori, which in sushi refers to 'Dancing Spawns'.so called because they are alive and still moving on your plate. This may link to how she is a living puppet.


Mai Odori was a skilled Kunoichi at one point who was skilled in Chakra strings, seals and the manipulation of her wind chakra. ON a mission however, she falls at the hands of Sasori of the red sand and her body is taken by him to become a human puppet. Unbeknownst to Sasori however, Mai had heard of his practices when making puppets and had performed a forbidden jutsu on herself before she died which sealed her soul inside her body where it could not be detected along with her remaining chakra, leaving her ody in a state of death that would never decay. The Jutsu being forbidden because anyone who attemped it could never wake up again and were as good as dad anyway. Sasori, non the wiser, took her body and seeing how she did not decompose like other bodies but was definitely dead, he chose to experiment a little and created a partial human puppet which retained many of her organs. He belived that such a puppet would be able to fool people into thinking that she were really alive mcuh easier than one made up of wood and metal. Her body not wand artifical mechanisms hidden all over and she was at the mercy of Sasori's chakra strings. Her consciousness remained dormant for a long time until she eventually managed to wake herself up. Seeing her situation, she pretending to be a puppet for some time without Sasori realising she was actually alive and she watched him concot many of his poisons and antidotes as well as interact with his informants and other Akatsuki  Members. Eventfully when it came time for he and Deidera to kidnap Gaara, Sasori chose to take Mai along with him and she was used to fight against Kankuro in the desert. In the battle, Mai had been broken by Kankuro, though she had secretly allowed many of the attacks to hit on purpose and hopefully gain more time for him so that help would arrive for Kankuro but alas, she could only watch as Kankuro was poisoned and left to die. Sasori ended up gifting the broken Mai to Kankuro after the battle, thinking that he would die anyway as well as believing that somehting had gone wrong with Mai for her to be taking so many hits when she shouldn't have. After Sasori disappeared and Kankuro passed out, Mai took control of her body and tended up his wounds the best she could, covering his body in a back tarp so that the sun wouldn't harm him but have him still be noticeable enough for the backup to see him. When the rescue did arrive, Mai had returned to her dead like state so fool them and they brought her back along with Kankuro so examine her and see if they could find the prison that was used on him to develop an antidote.


After getting fatally wounded by Sasori, Mai uses a forbidden Juitsu to seal her soul away, putting her body in a state of death.

Her body is then taken by Sasori and made into a partial human puppet that is more human than puppet but just as deadly.

Unknowing that her consciousness is hidden away, Sasori thinks that she is a mindless puppet and uses her in the battle against Kankuro when he and Deidera kidnap Gaara, but she is broken in the fight and Sasori discards her, giving her as a gift to the dying Kankuro.

Mai retakes control of her body and manages to protect Kankuro's body against the harsh conditions of the desert as they wait for help to arrive and she is brought back to Sunagakure on Kankuro's request.

Everyone unknowing of the soul that lives within the beautiful puppet. 


 I'm debating weather to have Mai and Kankuro know each other before Mai becomes a puppet and have her appear back during the chunin exams or around that time.

Would it be a good idea? And if so, should I make it so that Kankuro recognizes her as a puppet?

I also though about having Mai being related to Ino because of the juitsu she used to hide her soul or have her in a clan that was similar to the Yamanaka clan. Is this a good idea?

Mai could have artificial limbs that were maid out of her own bones and reinforced with other materials. ~Thanks to all this, she has retained her chakra points across her body though they are not connected to one another physically, she can connect her chakra to each one of them. This allows her to hide her chakra signature completely so if a Hyuga were to look at her when she is not using her chakra, they would see the dead chakra points with no chakra flowing through them and her body would look empty.

Mai's puppet is known as 'The Dancer' because of its graceful movements in battle. This links to her name as well.

While being kept by Sasori as a human puppet, she is hung up with al the others and she has a clear view of his work bench. There she can see him creating all his poisons and plannning our his designes for more puppets.

Mai is present for many of Sasori's interactions with his informants and knows a lot of information from around the five nations because of this. She also knows a few of the Akatsuki who entered Sasori's work space as well as seeing them with Sasori. Maybe even interacting with a few as a 'Puppet'.

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