(Farkas) Wolfish

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Wolfish: Referring to their Lycanthropy.

From: Elder Scrolls V Skyrim

Genre: #Romance #Skyrim #Nord #WoodElf #Werewolf #Silver Hand #The Companions #Companion #Hunter #Riften #Whiterun #Farkas #Captive

Name: Ellika Arwen - meaning 'one who cannot be defeated' in Nordic. and her last name means 'A Noble Maiden' in Sindrain, or elvish. Goes by 'Elli' for short. Her names come from both sides of her race with her being a half Nord half Wood Elf.

Species: Half Human, Half Wood Elf.


Ellika is a half Nord Half Elf making her smaller than most with elvish features making her very exotic and beautiful. Her parents were both established hunters for traders and made enough money to get by while usually living out in the wilds of Skyrim. Ellika learnt how to hunt and be stealthy from a very young age as well as how to face foes such as bears and trolls when need be. With the help of her Nordic blood, it is easier for her to survive in Skyrim than full elves and she isn't afraid to fight when need be. While hunting one day, she ends up killing a particularly vicious bare that had been wandering the area, however, she is then surrounded by members of the silver hand who mistake her for one of the companions. believing her to be a werewolf, they drag her back to their nearest hide out and kill both her parents. While imprisoned, Ellika meets Farkas, who had manged to get himself captured but eh silver hand who had used underhanded means to weaken him, not taking him down in a fair fight, which makes his Nordic blood boil. Ellika and Farkas both get to know each other better while they are trapped their and earn each others respect. they are both pitted against other werewolves for sport by the Silver Hand and try to escape whenever they can but so far cannot. Ellika isn't a werewolf however, so when she fights, she has to fight a werewolf in their beast form. Though she does not want to hurt them under such conditions, she knows she has no choice if she is to survive and she manages to live through every battle while being kept their. the Silver Hand convinced that she is still a werewolf and is only holding back or trying to fool them. Saying that if she wasn't a companion, then why does she get along so well with Farkas? Over time, Ellika gets better at fighting and her resolve and skills impress Farkas very much. She also plans out an escape with Farkas and they both escape together. During the escape however, Ellika gets injured taking an arrow for Farkas when his back was turned and he carries her all the way back to Jorrvaskr himself so she could be treated. She is close to death however, and Farkas makes the decision to turn her into a werewolf in order to save her as her healing in her beast form would be faster as she was.



The bear that Ellika killed before getting captured by the Silver hand had been terrorising neighbouring people and travellers so much that it had a bounty on it she wasn't aware of. The Companions had accepted the bounty and the Silver had knew this so when they came across Ellika with the dead bare, they jumped to conclusions.

Ellika and her parents mainly live around Riften hold in the wooded area to hunt and supply meat to venders and traders around Skyrim. 

After Ellika had been captured by the Silver Hand, they went looking around the area for any other companions and came across her parents who tried to attack them when they saw that they had Ellika and killed them.

In the hold where the Silver hand were keeping Ellika and Farkas, They would pit werewolves against each other as their own sick form of entertainment, treating the werewolves they held captive like beasts, even when they were in their human form.

Farkas was only captured because the Silver Hand had used underhanded means by poisoning him and them ambushing him with a large amount of people in order to overpower him. Because of him being a Nord and a companion, Farkas is all about fighting, but using underhanded means feels like he had been cheated out of a good fight and that the fight wasn't honourable making him angry.

While in captivity, Farkas was hard to control by the Silver Hand because of his pure strength so they kept him in large heavy chains. Ellika was also kept locked away pretty tightly as she was very tricky, managing to slip past the guards and outrunning them as she was quick on her feet but slowing because of her bodies condition so she eventually chose to preserve her energy.

Ellika and Farkas end up becoming very close while locked in neighbouring cells and sometimes together. Farkas feeling respect towards her after seeing her determination and skill when she is forced to fight against werewolves while she is still only a human. The two of them would share stories of their families to pass the time though it took a bit for them to open up to each other at first.

Ellika was the first one to propose they escape together because Farkas wasn't very subtle about his escape attempts where as she was more cunning about it though she doesn't go down without a fight when needed to. 

Ellike takes an arrow for Farkas when they are escaping as Farkas turns into a werewolf to kill the Sliver Hand but someone tried to shoot him with an arrow from behind. Elli gets injured, Farkas killed to dude, and then brings her back to Joorvaskr where he gives her his werewolf blood so that she would survive. Not all the Companions are okay with this though some of them Farkas is able to convince.

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