(Might Guy's Daughter) Springtime Bloom

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Springtime Bloom: Referring to how Gai preaches about the 'Springtime of Youth' and Mai's name has the meaning of 'Flower' as well as 'Bloom' being a synonym of both 'Springtime ' and 'Youth'. 

From: Naruto + Naruto Shippuden - mainly from the anime though will refer to the mange when needed. 

Genre: #Romance #Family #fluff #MightGuy #MaitoGai #Child #Daughter #Kakashi #RockLee #Taijuitsu #Reincarnation #Baby #Toddler #MedicalNinja

Name: Mai Maito / Might - 'Brightness' 'flowers' and 'Dance' in Japanese. Her name has a similar sound to her father as I thought I would keep up the tradition, given that her grandfather was Maito Dai. Dai, Gai, Mai... You get it.


Akito Toru was a Japanese woman in her 20's who had been confined to a hospital bed since she was two years old because of a life threatening terminal illness. She couldn't walk on her own or look after herself, forced to live in the hospital because of her delicate condition that could act up any time. It was like living in a cage and she watched children and teens play and run around in the park outside from her hospital window and wish she could join them. She eventually passes away form her illness when she turns 20 and her suffering finally comes to an end. The next thing she knows, she is an a cramps dark space. Familiar with the feeling of being helpless and having no controle of her body, she meditates, something she often did during the last few months of her life when she lost all controle of her body, and listens to the muffles sounds around her, believing that she had fallen into a coma. She is eventually surrounded by a painful squeezing sensation and after a sudden rush of could air, she finds herself in the arms of an animated woman in a military style nurse outfit. Within the first few weeks of this new life, Akito, has still yet to be named, has discovered that she had been reborn into one of the many anime / Manga she had read / Watched during her imprisonment in her hospital room. While in this new life, her body is healthy, she still has no controle over herself as a baby and is completely reliant on this spiteful woman she calls a mother who spends her days ignoring her or straight out complaining. She isn't fed properly or cared for, given just under the basic necessities. One day, while enduring another one of her mothers hate filled rants since nobody else would listen to her, their is a knock at the door and what greets next is the sight of a man with the largest eyebrows she has ever seen in her life with a bewildered look on his face. It appears, Guy had been seeing this women several months ago but the mother had left him only to have fallen pregnant and realised too late to get an abortion so kept her pregnancy a secret from the shame of it, keeping the child locked away as well and taking out her frustrations in the form of rants at the new-born infant. And Guy had no idea. After hearing about the woman spending so much time in her house and rarely talking to anyone, Guy had become worried about her, not out of love but out of courtesy from their past relationship (With the woman had planned to extort him though had been stopped by Kakashi). Guy had arrived at her apartment intending to check weather she was okay or not, however, what he found was something much more serious. The state of her apartment was appalling and the woman herself was no better, but it was the small child in the corner that caught his attention above everything else. Black hair and honey eyes, with a strangely similar chakra to his own and around the age that lines up with their last time together. And by the looks of the woman's face, all Guy's questions had been answered. Guy may be odd, but he is in no way stupid, despite what the messes may think and in that second of realisation, his face took on an uncharacteristically serious expression. It didn't take long before Guy got custody of the baby, which he named 'Mai Maito', who she herself could not have been happier with this new development. Out of everyone who could have been her father, Guy was arguably the best man for the job, given her previous life. From then on, Guy raised Mai on his own after her mother refused to have anything more to do with her and made a fuss about not wanting anyone to know she had a child to begin with. Guy spent his free days with his daughter, training her while she ran around with boundless energy she no doubt inherited from him.


After being confined to a hospital bed in her last life due to a terminal illness, being born as Might Gai's daughter in her next one is questionably the best thing that could have ever happened to Mai. And she herself couldn't have hoped for a better father.

Now born with a body that healthy enough to run around, she doesn't plan to slow down.

But with memories of her last life and knowledge from the future, Canon grows ever closer and Mai realises that her peaceful days wont last forever and she'll have to grow stronger if she is to protect all those close to her.


The first part of the story will mainly be fluffy scenes about Guy raising Mai and all the cute scenes of them together as she is growing up, with Guy being goofy and a strangely decent parent, if not a little unconventional.

Mai's mother isn't the one who names her since she doesn't want anything to do with her once she was born but didn't want others to know she had a kid so out of paranoia, instead of taking her to an orphanage, she hides the child in her apartment. Guy is the one who named 'Mai', after both his and his fathers similar names.

Guy does silly father daughter stuff with Mai as she is growing up that is based around exercise. Like when she is a baby, he would do push ups with her below him and whenever he reached down, he would give her raspberries on her stomach or pull faces to make her laugh, and when she is a toddler, have her sit on his back to make his training harder.

The two of them could do Yoga together after Mai tries to copy him doing stretches but fails because she is a baby / toddler and then Guy would get overly exited about the springtime of youth and cry while encouraging her to do handstands she can't physically do.

Basically, he's a chaotic loving father who probebly shouldn't be around normal kids but Mai loves him anyway.

Whiel Mai loves her father, she refuses to wear the green body suit. When he tries to make her wear one as a child, she runs away constantly and is eventually saved by Kakashi who takes pity on her.

Mai eventually gets a summoning for Ninja Rabbits. This ends up being a play of the tortoise and the hare with Guy's summoning's being tortoise. Her summons are build for speed and are natural sensors as well as very good hearing. Though they are not combat orientated, they make great messengers. They can fight if necessary though.

While Mai mainly trains in Taijutsu, she also learns medical jutsu and eventually becomes a Student of Tsunade along with Sakura, though she had been trying to learn Medical ninjuitsu herself

Perhaps because she knows what is gonna happen to Lee and Guy, she learns Medical Ninjuitsu so she can help them when they need it. This could also include Neji since she knows he is gonna die but would want to save him.

Love Interest?

- Rock Lee ~ With how much Mai loves her father, it wouldn't be strange for her to get along with Lee and would support him in becoming a master at Taijutsu from the get go, though if they don't become romantic interests, then they would become best friends. With how close Lee is with her father, the two would have a lot of time together and she would be able to handle his personality pretty easily since she has had  practice with her father. It would be pretty funny to see a relationship between the two and have Gai freaking out because his daughter is discovering a little bit more of the springtime of youth that he wanted her to.

- Neji Hyuga ~ With Mai being the daughter of Gai, she is a natural at Taijutsu and would be able to fight toe to toe wiht Neji. While Neji is arrogant, he may respect her strength. She would also fight him or scold him whenever he is mean to Lee and this may lead to Neji becoming a little jelous. Whiel Neji is strict and to the point, Mai is the opposite and while she is polite and much more mellow that Guy and Lee, she has a very happy personality.

- Gaara ~ It would be interesting to make a pair out of these to given what Gaara does to Lee during the Chunin Exams. With how Mai is, she already knows that happens so she may end up trying to interfere and get hurt in Lee's place instead. She also isn't the kind of person to hold a grudge either and with her personality being open and happy, it contrasts Gaara's homicidal and introverted one. She will also have a part in her Rescue form the Akatsuki since she would follow her fathers team in Shippuden.

- Other?

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