(Vilkas) Winter Wolf

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Winter Wolf: Referring to Junipers Lycanthropy mixed with her species.

From: Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - mainly form the game

Genre: #Romance #Skyrim #Companions #Werewolf #Snow Elf #Companion #Whiterun #WhiteWolf #Vilkas #Harbinger #Kodlak #SilverHand #Wanderer

Name: Juniper Snowdrift - meaning 'Youth Producing' and 'Evergreen' in Latin. During the Renascence, junipers were used symbolically in art to represent 'Chastity'. It is also a representation of 'Winter Time' as the plant produces berries during the colder months. Snowdrift is what is says it is, 'A blanket of deep snow heaped up by the wind' and connects to 'Snow' and 'Wind' as elements. And I guess 'Water' from 'Snow'. The Snow is a direct link to Junipers race. She usually goes by 'June' however, as a shorter version of her name that also contrasts with her name and self as June happens to be the first month of summer.

Species: Snow Elf


June is a snow elf from a recluse tribe that lived deep within the mountains on the outskirts of Skyrim. It had been said that Snow elves had died out hundreds of years ago and any survivors fled to the Dwamer and lived underground where they evolved into the Falmer. One small tribe however, refused to go to the Dwamer and instead, hid themselves in the mountains and prayed to hircine. Many of their members becoming a unique kind of Werewolf that had pure white fur that matched their equally white hair and skin as a human. Their wolves took on elvish characteristics as well, making their ears more pointed and their forms more slender and agile than the common werewolf. For the next few hundred years, their tribe stayed hidden in the mountains, only leaving to hunt for food and kept their original elvish beauty that had been lost to the world and especially Skyrim. Sightings of them in their wolfish forms however had eventually reached the Silver hand through rumours from the Orc Tribes that lived more closed to the low lands in the mountains and so the silver hand eventually found their small village and wiped them all out leaving one soul survivor, Juniper. Named after the Juniper berries that grew in abundance in their small village. She fled the mountains as she was too young and injured to fight and lived alone, hiding her features in Skyrim, becoming a mercenary that became infamous for her work and many people become curious as to who she was and where she came from. Nobody ever suspected her to be a Snow Elf, or a Werewolf. She also attacked many members of the Silver Hand and took down some of their fortresses to both save the werewolves inside and her own personal revenge for the slaughter of her people. Her actions against the Silver hand went unnoticed by the common folk as she acted in her wolfish form, however, the companions became very interested when they overheard members speaking of a ghost like werewolf with fur as white as snow slaughtering their men. They had also taken an interest in this mysterious mercenary that had appeared to have appear out of nowhere and they name it their own personal mission to find both, not realising that they were one in the same.



In the past, the Companions were known for their hatred of Elves, especially snow elves, and had a large part in their purge from Skyrim. The Axe 'Wuuthrad' they have you collecting the pieces of which means 'Storms Tears' was originally going to mean 'Elfgrinder', however the name was changed. If you look at the style of the Axe as well, is has the engraving of a screaming elf on the head of the axe.

The Companions hatred for elves continued and wasn't soul for only snow Elves but all elves. This changed however when the first elf joined the companions. At first, he was treated very poorly and wasn't even allowed to enter Jorrkaskr and was forced to live outside. Elves, however, live much longer than Nords and this elf ended up outliving many of its leaders. He become one of the companions oldest members and the title of Harbinger fell into his lap. From then on, elves were more excepted in their ranks though the only known member other than this elf who died way before the start of the game would be the dark elf 'Athis' who aspired to also become the Harbinger eventually.

I say all this because I didn't want any controversy between June and the Companions because of her Race, though they may be more cautious at first, she will eventually be accepted.

As I mentioned briefly, Juniper's wolf form is slightly different from the usual werewolf you see in Skyrim as her wolf has taken on elvish characteristics over the years her tribe lived in solitude. Her werewolf form is smaller than that of the companions with larger pointier ears, white fur and a more dexterous agile build making her very fast and deadly despite her smaller size. They also have it easier when climbing as they needed this skill to get around in the mountains with the steep cliffs and rocks. She also has cold resistance.

As she is an Elf, she naturally has the ability to perform Magic, however, her tribe as well as her become adept at healing magic while living in the mountains and saw no need to learn other spells and so they evolved their healing magic also to become unique to them and much more effective than any other healing spells. 

The Village they lived in used to brew a special Juniper Berry wine / Mead which would help warm them up in the cold climate. This is briefly mentions in the start of the game when Ralof mentions being sweet on a girl who mixed in Juniper Berried in her Mead. I could incorporate this into the story by having her learn this from one of the Tribesmen or even Juniper herself when they meet by chance and become friends. 

Because she is a Snow Elf, she has to hide her appearance from everyone in Skyrim because it is widely known that the race had gone exitance hundreds of ears ago and any remanence of the people had devolved into the Falmer. Because of this, she wears a cloak over her light armour as well as a mask over the bottom half of her face like Kakashi to hide her identity. She has a pale sword made from Stalhrim, a special kind of Ice found on Solstheim that Junipers tribe had found in some caves where they lived and harvested using an ancient Nordic pick axe. Instead of fashioning it into Armour, they made it into weapons. 

The Sword Juniper carries in now the only one of it's kind and unique in Skyrim. It becomes a defining characteristic for her when walking about as her features are hidden under her cloak, so the sword she carries becomes what identifies her. So people can't just say they are her to scare people into giving them shit because the don't have her sword to prove that they are her. You know what I mean?

The Sword Juniper carries was forged in an underground forge surrounded by hot springs, unique like the Sky Forge, so this attracts the attention of many back smiths as well as the companions and Eorlund Grey-mane because of their curiosity towards the blade. And also many would be thieves who all die before they can even touch the sword.

Juniper relies on her small size and fast movements so she usually wears light armour. She, at first, was underestimated by many people and still is when they see her for the fist time, however this doesn't have her any less deadly.

Being a werewolf was something she grew up with, as members of her village who prover themselves and were chosen to participate in the hunt and look after the rest of the tribe were offered the werewolf blood, it was seen as an honour to them. It was their way of life. Juniper however, sees it as a way to escape and feel free outside the confines of the village in the mountains as being a werewolf hunter is one of the only ways for a member of the tribe to leave their settlement. 

Her tribe also worshiped Kynareth because of their healing abilities as well as magic, Kynareth being the divine of Sky, Air and Wind. Their is also a temple in Whiterun that works as an apothecary opposite Jorrvaskar.

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