(Remus Lupin) Madness Within

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Madness Within: Playing on the words Remus and Sirius exchange in the Prisoner of Azkaban.

From: Harry Potter - Marauders Era 

Genre: #Romance #Werewolf #Lycanthropy #HarryPotter #Marauders #RemusLupin #TheDarkForest #Hogwarts #Moony #Gryffindor #Wolfsbane

Name: Alice Knox - meaning 'Noble' in German. and her family name meaning 'From the small hill' in English.


A witch who attends Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the same year as the Marauders. Lily's best friend and later befriends the Marauders through her. Her mother is a pure blood and her father is a half blood. Ivy gets top marks in all her classes and has a friendly rivalry with Lily over who can get the better scores, she is seen as the quiet smart girl in Gryffindor however she is secretly very mischievous. She often pulls pranks and rarely gets caught, because of this, the blame usually falls on the Marauders because of their reputation for pranking and they make it their mission to find the person their taking the blame for but are unsuccessful. By their second year, Alice and the Marauders are closer friends but not close enough to know their secrets such as Remus' Lycanthropy. However, Alice manages to figure things out all on her own. She ends up overhearing some Slytherins talking about following Remus to see where he goes each month and she follows them knowing that it wont end well, not daring to go to any teachers in case they don't know about Remus' condition. During the full moon, 'Moony' escapes the Shrieking Shack to chase after the Slytherins and while the other Marauders are busy trying to protect the Slytherins and hold Moony back, Alice howls and Moony follows the call by instinct, thinking that she is another werewolf. Moony ends up chasing Alice all over the forest until he eventually fins her and bites her neck, however he doesn't manage to kill her. Moony then transforms back into Remus before he can deal any more damage and passes out. Alice covers him with her clock she was using to cover her face and makes her way back to the castle to be met by Dumbledore who takes her to the infirmary in secret. She survives the Bite but she contracts Lycanthropy making her a werewolf. At the request of Alice, Dumbledore does not tell Remus about what had happened that night because she knows that it would destroy him to know that he had passed on his condition to someone else. Alice then spends her school days hiding her condition from the Marauders and her friends which deems to be difficult when Remus remembers biting something, who or what it was though, he doesn't know.


Alice Knox, sorted into Gryffindor house and Best friend of Lily Evans. Following her red haired friend, she usually stayed away from the Marauders though she never felt much hate towards them like Lily did though she definite didn't agree with some of the things they did. Being the curious and top scoring student she is, it doesn't take long before Alice figures out what Remus is but she keeps her discovery to herself.

When Alice learns that a group of Slytherins plan to sneak into the shrieking shack one night to see the rumoured 'violent ghosts', she rushes out after them to stop them, knowing that Remus had been staying there during his transformations.

Hiding her face, Alice arrives at the shack and manages to distract Remus by Howling, making him run over to her before the Slytherins could see him and the marauders who had also come to foil the Slytherin's plans and protect their friend but could only do so much to keep the werewolf at bay.

While they were occupied with the Slytherins, they never thought about were the howl came from and didn't think about what it could mean. Alice made a break for it but there was no way she could outrun a werewolf.

Alice is left with a deep werewolf bite between her neck and shoulder and her life is changed forever. But she would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant protecting Remus's secret.

She is found by Dumbledore the next morning and from then on, she keeps the fact that she is a werewolf from everyone other than Lily, not wanting the Marauders or especially Remus to find out what she had done for them.


I'll likely continue the story into when Harry goes to Hogwarts but I'm not quite sure how to yet. Any Ideas?

The wolfsbane potion wouldn't have been invented at this point in the harry potter history so I might have Alice develop a wolfsbane potion herself after experimenting and uses it for herself and anonymously give some to Remus secretly or through Dumbledore. 

I could also have Dumbledore give her the recipe for the unfinished product for the wolfsbane potion and hoped her to improve upon it. Or have her search the recipe herself.

On the nights of the full moon, Alice would go to Hagrid's Hut before being taken to a hut in the forbidden forest where she would be locked away until morning. The Marauders will eventually find this shack on the night of the full moon and release her by mistake. Her howling may have attracted Remus to the hut as well.

At first, the Marauders don't suspect anything and are just gland that the Slytherins didn't discover Remus but werewolves can sometimes remember glimpses of when they were in their wolf form on the full moon and Remus is starting to remember bits.

Since Alice is a Gryffindor, he may remember her red robe and at first be worried that he had bitten one of his friends however after seeing them fine, he could write it off as a nightmare. But if they return to the forbidden forest, they may find scraps of Alice's Gryffindor robe left shredded and covered in her blood.

Since her robe was shredded that night, Alice barrows one of Lily's robes while she waits for a new one.

After Albus finds her in the woods and she wakes up after contracting Lycanthropy, she begs him not to tell anyone and that this had been something she chose to do. She panics thinking that Albus would expel Remus because of what happened and she manages to convince him to keep everything under wraps. He advises her to tell them what happened as they would probably find out one way or another anyway though this makes her avoid them all the more.

Alice is scared that Remus would blame himself if he found out that he bit someone and gave them Lycanthropy so she isn't willing to tell him, knowing that he won't take it well.

Perhaps with when Alice howls to distract Remus from the Slytherins, pretending to be a werewolf so he would leave them along, the Marauders also think that she would be a werewolf or come to the conclusion that their had been a werewolf before the incident so the one that howled hadn't been a student Remus had bitten. This may also be them grasping at straws in hopes that Remus hadn't mauled someone though.

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