(Portgas D. Ace) Red-Hot

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Red-Hot: meaning; So hot as to glow red, Very exciting interesting or good, Very Passionate, Favoured to win.

From: One Piece - mainly from the anime but may refer to the Mange when needed.

Genre: #Romance #Daughter #Shanks #Red Haired Shanks #Red Haired Pirates #OnePiece #OP #Ace #PortgasD.Ace #BindBindDevilFruit #DevilFruit 

Name: Ruby Le Roux - meaning 'Red Jem stone'. derived from the Latin 'Rubeus' meaning 'Reddish'. As the name of a valuable precious stone and links to treasure which, as we know, is something Pirates sought after. Rubies stand for; Passion, Personal Power and Kundalini (Latent Female energy believed to lie coiled in the base of the spine).

Devil fruit: Neru Neru No Mi / Bind Bind Fruit


Before Shanks met Luffy, he had visited Foosha Village not long after Gold Rogers execution while he had still been gathering his crew, and become close with one of the waitresses who worked in one of the bars. Unbeknownst to him, before he left to gather the rest of his crew, he had left her pregnant. Said waitress later died not too long after giving birth to her daughter, Ruby Le Roux, from an illness and Ruby lived in the Bar and worked to earn her keep. She spent a lot of time in the forest and befriended Luffy and his Grandpa. Years later, Shanks returned with his newly established crew and was preparing to leave for the grand line, however, when Shanks asks about the woman he was sweet on, he finds out that she had died while he was away. As well as meeting a strangely familiar young girl around 8 years old with bright red hair and a carefree personality. It didn't take long for him to figure out who she was, well... it didn't take long for Ben to figure out who she was and for him to tell Shanks. Ruby, from a young age was very strong and adventurous. At times she seemed carefree, though she could become serious if need be. She hates unnecessary conflict and more often than not, would be too lazy to deal with people who tried to offend her. She looked out for Luffy like a big sister, being one year older than him, though with Luffy, this became a challenge. She did however become one of the few people who Luffy actually listened to. Both as a child and after he became a pirate. Knowing that he couldn't take her with him, Shanks told Ruby that when she was old enough, she could join his crew and he would teach her how to become strong. After he left, Garp took her and Luffy to Dadan and the mountain bandits where she quickly become friends with Ace and Sabo. After Sabo's 'death' They all trained to become even stronger and a year after Ace left, it was Ruby's turn and it didn't take long for her to find her father and join his crew.



The Bind Bind Devil Fruit allows Ruby to immobilize anything that she can see and then manipulate what she has under her control. She can bind things to each other or to herself and this doesn't just include physically.

She can bind her soul to another, though this doesn't happen voluntary and is similar to how soulmates work if not the same. And of course, the man she binds her soul with ends up being Ace. because she binds her soul with Ace, she gains his devil fruit ability as well.

She may also have a bond with Luffy and Sabo, though different from her one with Ace, because of their connection as 'siblings'. This doesn't mean that she can use Luffy's devil fruit though. 

Ruby gets her Devil Fruit during her time with Dadan before Sabo's 'death'.

Ruby is supposed to be a lot like Shanks personality wise, though she is more responsible. She also hates unnecessary violence, which shows in her fighting. When she fights, she does simple but effective attacks, wasting as little energy as she needs and doesn't use big flashy moves to get the job done. At first glance, it may look like she can't fight very well or doesn't know any big moves but its just that she doesn't need big moves to be destructive.

Ruby also has Conqueror's Haki, which she awakens around the time Shanks is visiting Luffy before he leaves for the grand line. This becomes one of the deciding factors which leads to Shanks offering her a place in his crew, because he knows that she would become very strong and would need someone to teach her. And with her being his daughter, she would also be a target of the Navy if news ever got out.

As for when her identity as Shank's daughter is revealed to the Public, then it would likely be at the same time Ace is revealed to be Gold Rogers Son during his execution.

Ruby is one year older than Luffy and one year younger than Ace and Sabo making her 8 when they first meet, 19 during ace's execution, and 21 after the time skip.

Both, Ace's and Ruby's tattoo's of their Jolly Roger are in the same place on their backs. Ace having White Beard's Jolly Roger, and Ruby having her fathers.

Despite being on rival crews who have known conflicts with one another, Ace and Ruby don't really care and would often work together and meet up after they seek each other out after becoming pirates. And even though each of them come from an enemy, crew, their captains don't mind them visiting each other because they are friends. As long as they don't bring the rest of their crew or captains with them.

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