(Keisuke Sannan) Man Made Monster

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Man Made Monster:

From: Hakuoki - anime and game

Genre: #Romance #Furies #Doctor #Hakuoki #Keisuke #Sannan-san #EdoPeriod

Name: Inari Ieyasu - meaning 'Successful one' in Japanese. Her last name also means 'Ease' and 'Peace' in Japanese as well as being the same last name as a famous worrior and stratagist who served Nobunaga Oda called 'Tokugawa Ieyasu'. 


Inari is the personal assistant of Dr Yukimura while working at the Yukimura clinic in Edo. She helped with his patients and studied western medicine as well as Japanese and Chinese medicine. Dr Yukimura had her help him with the water of life but never allowed her to find out what it actually did. Inari finally found out what the water of life really does to a person while she was travelling with Dr Yukimura to Kyoto. Dr Yukimura uses her as a test subject for his latest version of the water of life after she finds out, only her body rejects the water of life and she starts to throw up blood and bleed from her eyes, eventually collapsing in a pool of her own blood. After finding no pulse, Dr Yukimura sets fire to the building and leaves Kyoto to join the Choshu. Inari's heart starts to beating again and she wakes up surrounded but flames! She can't escape as she is engulfed in flames as her body burns and regenerates continuously. She eventually manages to make it outside the burning house unseen. From here, she hides herself just outside Kyoto and doesn't return to Edo in case Dr Yukimura had returned to his clinic. She hides her face behind a veil to disguise herself and becomes a small doctor to sustain herself. When visiting Kyoto to get supplies, Inari sees the Shinsengumi and recognises their uniform and knows that they have connections to the Water Of Life from her time with Kodo Yukimura. When heading back home after it turns dark, Inari hears a scream and rushes to help but sees furies in Shinsengumi uniform above the corps of a woman! She gets attacked by the furies and injured when Sannan arrives and kills the furies. when he sees her, he is about to kill her when she turns into her fury form and legs it! but she just gets captured and brought back to the Shinsengumi compound and locked up.


Working as Kodo Yukimura's assistant with this medical work in Edo before he went missing in Kyoto, Inari Ieyasu becomes well versed in many medicines and is close to Chizuru from her time in the Yukimura Clinic. 

Being Kodo's assistant, Inari becomes familiar with the water of life while working alongside Kodo but she is never told or shown the effect of what the water of life actually does. When she does find out however, it is during a visit to Kyoto with Kodo and she finally sees the effects of the water of life in person.

After finding out the truth, Inari is captured by Kodo and forced o become a test subject for a new version of the water of life which she is forced to take, however her body rejects the liquid and her heart stops causing Kodo to give up on this new version of the water of life and try other ways to improve on it. He then sets fire to the building they were staying in and goes missing!

What will Inari do when she wakes up surrounded by flames with a body that is no longer human?


Perhaps Inari no longer has a heart beat?

They said that the water of life was originally made from the blood of demons from France or at leased based of those demons which leads to why the furies are familiar to vampires with how they lust for blood and don't like the sun light. Maybe with vampires not having a heart beat could connect to why Inari doesn't?

How different should I make Inari from normal furies?

Perhaps she is looking for a cure after finding out about the furies and using herself as a test subject to see the results.

Should I have the captains of the Shinsengumi recognise Inari as Kodo's assistant or have them find out through investigation or Chizuru?

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