A/N ~ Hakuoki

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I can't think of anyone else to do with Naruto at the moment so I'm gonna move onto another Anime to make Fanfictions of.

If their is anyone from the Naruto series that I haven't made a fanfiction Blurb for that you would be interested to read, then feel free to comment them.

I'm avoiding making a fanfiction for Naruto himself as I ship Naruhina and I'd feel guilty to take Naruto away from Hinata. Hinata is just too adorable! Our adorable little marshmallow!

I have actually written a fanfiction idea for the majority of the characters a while ago however there all drafts at the moment. I intend to look through them and edit them so they make more since and have more notes. When i started writing all these on here, the first ones didn't contain nearly as much detail as the ones later on so I've been going over them.

The problem is is that i procrastinate and I haven t been interested in Naruto at the moment, mainly going through the BNHA phase though I'll swing back eventually.

Anyway, I'm going to be writing Fanfiction Blurbs for Hakuoki characters and I've already got a few planned out and I'll be making fanfictions for all the main characters.

The Characters that will likely be the main likely be:

- Toshizo Hijikata

- Isami Kondo 

- Keisuke Sanan

- Saito Hajime

- Okita Souji

- Heisuke Toudo

- Sanosuke Harada

- Kenpachi Nagakura

- Suzumu Yamazaki

- Kazama Chikage

- Kyo Shiranui

- Kaoru Yukimura

- Hachirou Iba

- Kazue Souma

- Risaburo Monura

- Ryoma Sakamoto

All these characters are from the game so some of them who are listed here, don't appear in the anime. I will be going off the game instead of the anime for this since we get more scenes with the individual characters and those who would have died in the anime, likely become furies or somehow survive for the continuation of their route.

I haven't played through a few of these characters though I have the game on steam and would honestly recommend it.

If there are any characters that I've missed that you think would make a good male lead than tell me, I think I've got all the important ones though.

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