(Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu) Magnetism

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Magnetism: Referring to her quirk and the affects of her quirk and Tetsutetsu's when near each other.

From: Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia - mainly form the anime though may referr to the manga when necessary 

Genre: #Romance #1A #1B #Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu #Magnetic #Quirk #Metal #Attraction #Hero #BNHA #MHA #Rivals #MinaAshido

Name: Kama Shirakane - 'Metal Pot' and Her last name meaning 'Platinum' in Japanese. Goes by 'Kam' for short which means 'Comb' in Dainish.

Quirk: Magnetise / Magnetic


Born in the Chiba Prefecture and childhood friends with both Mina Ashido and Itsuka Kendo, Kam decides to become a hero so that she could protect others and make them feel safe. She grew up in a normal family as an only child who's parents spent most of their time at work leaving her home alone, though she often spent most of this time at either of her two close friends and lived it up there, with Mina being her next door neighbour. Kam has a natural sense of justice and while she is relatively quiet and shy, she speaks up if she sees someone upset or hurt despite her timidity. After being attacked by a villain after school one day when being taken hostage by a villain looking to attack a nearby hero agency, she received injuries before she is eventually saved by the pro hero's. It is after this incident that she fully decides to become a pro hero, no longer wanting to remain helpless as she had been in the hostage situation and help others instead of being a burden. She takes the UA entrance exam and manages to make it into the top scores and entering class 1A along with Mina and another one of her classmates, Eijiro Kirishima, who she had only spoken to a few times thanks to her shy nature. After getting pulled into the kayos of class 1A and the rivalry between class 1B, Kam pulls through everything with a smile, a shy one, but a smile no less. She doesn't look down on other classes either because she is in class 1A and instead admires their determination. Along the way, she finds herself attracted to a class 1B boy named Tetsutetsu, quite literally. Thanks to the nature of her quirk and his, her magnetism makes it so that whenever the two pass by each other, they inevitable get drawn to one another and sometimes even get stuck together as steel is magnetic and she is a human magnet. This happens in the beginning because she doesn't have complete controle of her wuirk and the more emotional she is, the more magnetic she becomes so when they get stuck together and she panics, they get trapped even more making a comical display. The two form a strange bond that go from rivals to friends quite quickly and before they know it, it isn't just the magnetism drawing them together.



Kam's quirk allows her to manipulate metals that are magnetic, make herself or something else magnetic and alter the magnetic strength. As a side effect however, her own body is naturally magnetic, causing metal objects to stick to her and this happens to include Tetsutetsu.

Kam can make metal objects float however, they have to be magnetic. Metals that are not magnetic however can me magnetised using her quirk but hte larger the object and stronger the magnetism, the more it will affect Kam in the long run.

Kam uses Mercury with her fighting because it melts at room temperature and she is able to manipulate it easier than other metals, reforming it into different objects at will with lesser drawbacks than with other metals. despite being a liquid, she has trained enought to be able to change its state with her quirk so that she can force it to become a solid or even just keep it's form so that it can be sharp even as a liquid and deal damage.

Kam can put either a positive or negative magnetify force on an object of creature where they can either repel or attract each other. This helps with fighting because she can make it so a villain cant touch someone physically if they are repelled by the magnetic force. Or maybe cause villains to stick to each other and immobilise them by increasing the strength they are magnetised with.

The stronger the magnetic force she puts into something that has no to little natural magnetic force, the stronger the drawbacks and the larger an object is that she is manipulating also affects her. 

While the affects of Kam's quirk cause her and Tetsu to get stuck together, she will eventually learn how to controle it so it wont happen unless she becomes very emotional.

I could have it so that her quirk also makes it so that while she is happy, magnetic things are drawn to her, it could also happen the other way around so if she is sad, then they're pushed away? but this could be a more conscious decision that she develops later, I dunno.

Kama has platinum silver eyes that look like melted silver. Her hair on the other hand is a light blue with a silver tint that's lighter that Shigaraki's. 

The incident where Kam gets taken as a hostage is supposed to be linked to Kirishima's back story where Ashido tells the villain the directions to the hero agency he was looking for and Kirishima had been frozen in fear, unable to do anything. After this, the villain finds the agency and takes Kam, who had been nearby, as a hostage to boost his chances of victory.

Kam is ultimately left with a scar in her back from the incident and cut marks on her arms and legs from glass shards. The villain having used her as a human shield until she was eventually saved by the hero's and the villain subdued.

Kam and Tetsu may end up fighting each other in the sports festival in the final fights instead of Kirishima, or, I could have it so that she ties with Mina so while Tetsu ties with Kirishima, the two end up fighting each other? We can make it work somehow.

in the cavalry battle, she joins Hitoshi's team willingly and even becomes friends with him, though she would likely become friends with Shinso before the festival or at east interact with him before. With the way her quirk works, she can cause others to be pushed away from her and make the points they have stick to them so they can't be taken away. 

In the obstacle  course, I could have it so that she is running alongside Kirishima and Tetsu when they run under the robots Todoroki freezes off balance so she gets stuck under as well. Using her quirk, she could force the robots to be pushed off of her, though it could also make it so that Tetsu pulls her below him by reflex to save her, forgetting about her quirk.

I can imagine Tetsu being a kind of Tsundere at the beginning because of the rivalry between class 1A and 1B though once he realises his feeling's, he'd likely turn into a love sick puppy. 

To give them more time together, Kam and Tetsu will likely meet before he officially meets class 1A around the sports festival.

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