A/N ~ Black Clover

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The Following fanfictions will be based around the anime and manga 'Black Clover'. Bare in mind that I haven't watched the entire anime and their have been a lot more episodes comming out since I last watched it. I'm honestly further in the manga than I am in the anime and that was around the training arch in a volcano with the lady lion. It's been a while. From this, Their may be characters I don't know about yet or have missed out so speak up if theirs anyone who would make an interesting love interest or maybe parental figure.

Characters that may end up being the love interest or familial figure may end up being:

- Yuno

- Asta

- Leopold Vermillion

- Fuegoleon Vermillion

- Klaus Lunettess

- Yami Sukehiro

- William Vangeance

- Nozel Silva

- Solid Silva

- Rill Boismortier

- Julius Novachrono

- Marx Francois

- Langris Vaude

- Finral Foulacase

- Alecdora Sandler

- Zora Ideale

- Magna Swing

- Gordon Agrippa

- Luck Volita

- Henry Legolant

- Natch

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