(Kyoya Ootori) Shadow Queen

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Shadow Queen: Connecting to how Kyoya is considered the 'Shadow King' and while Rosette will become his queen eventually, she is a shadow queen in her own right as well.

From: Ouran High School Host Club - Mainly from the anime but may include parts form the Manga.

Genre: #Romance #Secret #Commoner #Ootori #Kyoya #Shadow King #Shadow Queen #OHSHC #Genius 

Name: Rosette St. Clair - meaning 'Little Rose' in English and her last name 'St. Clair' means 'French' I think...


Rosette is half English-half French who lives with her parents in Japan who have a small company. Her parents however are in no way rich as her father has a gambling addiction and her mother wont stop spending high amounts of money and wasting what little money they have left. Any money that comes in through the company is wasted and many of their employees are treated poorly and hardly paid. And if they quiet, they can't get a reference from them because they would tell everyone lies about how they work poorly and did this and that. Her parents keep taking in loans and wasting those as well. Being the bright child she was, she understood that if she was going to survive and make a life for herself, she would need her own stable income away from her parents reach. As her parents mainly ignored her anyway as she had only been born to save their crumbling marriage anyway because while her father still had some money, her mother was unwilling to divorce him and fell pregnant even though her father never wanted kids. This solidified their marriage as her mother guilt tripped her father into not divorcing her and the two parents completely ignored Rosette as she grew up. She craved the love of her parents as a child however she came to the realisation that their was no way that she was going to get them to love her like a normal family. After deciding to become independent, Rosette invested what little money she had in stocks and acquired a stable amount of money that quickly rose to more money that she knew what to do with. Not stopping their though, Rosette decided to use the money she had gained from stocks and created her own business and built it up form the ground up as it become a world wide brand known as 'Sanctuary Incorporate'. Acting behind the scenes as the shadow boss, Rosette hired all the people who her parents and ripped off in their own company who she thought was trustworthy as well as many others. Only a select few knew who the real boss was as Rosette controlled everything to do with the company from the shadows while pretending to be an everyday commoner who had a family who was considered more wealthy than others. She kept everything a secret from her parents especially since she knew that if they knew how successful she had become, they would try to find a way to take over the company themselves and extort her clients, staff and take all the money she and her employees had earned. From her upbringing, Rosette had become very frugal and hates to waste money, this is another reason why she would rather live as a commoner because she didn't want to end up wasting money like people like her parents. She has amassed a large social network through her company so she could get the best deals for both her and her clients and has connections to many of the parents of Ouran Students. Sanctuary Inc is also known for their charity work around the globe and their stellar reputation as the media are fighting to find out who the boss really is and find some dirt on them. Rosette ends up enrolling into Ouran High School on a scholarship to save herself money and makes quick friends with Haruhi Fujioka in her class 1A as they both share the same views. 


Self sufficient from a young age because of her neglectful parents, Rosette St. Clair builds up her own business from the ground up in secret. Within a few years it becomes the worldwide known brand 'Sanctuary Inc' which has connections all around the globe including the families of the Hosts!

Acting as the shadow boss of Sanctuary Inc behind the scenes, Rosette lives the life of a commoner in the public eye because of her frugal nature, finding a commoners life much cheaper, and fear of her parents finding out about her net worth to which they would use her to take over the company themselves and use its assets for their own benefits.

After enrolling into Ouran High School on a scholarship, Rosette and fellow classmate Haruhi Fujioka become quick friends! However, being the infamous 'commoners' of the school, it doesn't take long before they attract the attention of the host club and their adventurous high school life begins!


I might have Rosette be in a similar situation as Haruhi when she joins the host club as she will look like a boy because she hadn't had time to buy the uniform and is wearing a hat which hides her long hair. And instead of Haruhi's debt from the broken vase, Rose is threatened with her parents debt by Kyoya, even though she can easily pay it off herself.

Rosette can speak fluent English, French and Japanese.

Rosette really loves to drink an expensive coffee brand and drinks it often because she has to keep awake to run her company in secret. This might tip Kyoya off that theirs more to her than meets the eye? 

Since Rosette is running the company behind the scenes, she has someone else pretending to be the CEO. This person is her second in command and to the outside world, he acts as the real CEO and does make a lot of decisions himself however every important decision has to go through Rosette first.

At one point, Sanctuary Inc may run into some trouble and Rosette will have to deal with it. From this, Kyoya may end up meeting the 'CEO' of the company for work purposes and to expand his network while he is young. From his visit, Kyoya feels something off about the company as they can't meet the big boss directly.

Because Rosette is so secretive, their may be rumours about Sanctuary Inc mentioning that they are really involved with some questionable groups and the real leader is a bad person. This is of course false and something spread by their competitors in business but as Rosette can't show her face openly without putting herself and her company in danger, she is faced with some problems. 

Kyoya's father also can't to make a connection with Sanctuary Inc and he may even end up convincing Rosette to meet him in person. This may lead him to want Kyoya to become closer to her or look into her while at school.

Like how Kyoya carries around his death note, because of work reasons, Rosette would carry around her phone or a laptop which she could do work on.

Fanfiction Ideas!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora