(Stiles Stilinski) Astral

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Astral: Adjective - Relating to or Resembling the stars.

From: Teen Wolf 

Genre: #Romance #TeenWolf #StilesStilinski #Ghost #Coma #Bardo #Bilinski #Werewolf #Hale

Name: Avera Lupus Hale - meaning 'One who Transgresses' or I guess, 'Someone who breaks the rules'. She is called 'Ave' for Short. I had also named her this because of her sister's names being Laura and Cora, so I wanted to include he 'ra' in her name. Her middle name 'Lupus' links to both her first name and her being a werewolf as it is the name one of the stars in the wolf constellation of the same name.

Species: Born human but ultimately a Werewolf by blood not bite.


Avera Hale is Derek, Cora an Laura Hale's younger sister who was believed to have been born human, which she technically was. She had never shifted like her siblings which she didn't mind and was a sweet and innocent child who her family were very protective of, especially Derek. During the Hale fire, Avera had stayed home because she had been feeling sick but because of this, she had been trapped in the house as it caught fire and had no means of escape. She managed to lock herself in a safe room away from the fire, however she still had serves burns all along her arms, legs and back, but while she was safe from the fire, she wasn't safe from the smoke and was suffocated, trapped in a small space, and was overheating from the flames outside the room. Not to mention having to listen to the screams of the rest of her family who were being cooked alive. After the fire, Only her and her uncle, Peter Hale made it out alive. Her uncle becoming unresponsive and she falling into a Coma from the lack of oxygen to her brain as well as the pain from the burns and the overall trauma. From then on, she had a permanent place in Beacon Hills Hospital as one of their Coma Patients and her medical fees were paid by Derek, left from what he got form his inheritance. Derek left Beacon Hills as well as her two other sisters who had been at school during the fire, their whereabouts unknown, and she remained asleep. However, similar to Peter, her cells began to slowly heal themselves and the werewolf blood in her veins that once laid dormant came to life. It took years, but her consciousness finally awoke, but she couldn't move her body, or even open her eyes. She ended up falling into an Astral state between life and death. In a way, she was in Bardo but not quite at the same time as she was closer to life than death. This allowed her to walk around outside her body in a ghost like form, unable to interact with anyone for years while her body remained comatose. She, at first didn't remember what happened or what was going on until she found her way to her old home and remembered everything what she saw the burnt down house. During the start of Teen wolf season one, Avera found Derek and would keep an eye on him even though he couldn't see her, and she also witnessed Scott getting bitten. She also attended Beacon Hills High School as if she were a normal student because she knew she would have to make everything up from the years of education she would be lacking since she fell into coma so she kept an eye on Scott and Stiles while she was there. Whenever they or Derek were in trouble, Avera would be helpless but every now ad then, she would be able to break through and be scene or manage to convey some kid of message to them and help them. She would only appear in glimpses and it would seem like she was just a figment of your imagination. This was what Stiles thought she was too, until he saw her comatose body in Beacon Hills Hospital by chance one day.



Astral Projection is an actual thing in the series apparently and was used by the Darach, Jennifer Blake, to oversee the events of the track meet where Scott and his Pack try to kill themselves in the creepy hotel. So the concept isn't just something I pule out of thin air and worked with the Teen Wolf Law. Only, Avera doesn't need human sacrifices. It's also hinted that Kira's mother has this ability.

While in her Astral form, Avera can he seen in either her Human or werewolf form as he can change whenever she wishes while her body stays the same. She is also like Talia and Laura where she can turn into a complete wolf. Her Wolf is also completely black.

Avera has burn scars over her arm's legs and back from the fire because she found a 'safe' place away from the flames and her body hadn't healed over the years she was in a coma like Peter hadn't, but her Astral form doesn't have any burn scars. She will also be able to get rid of the scars when she wakes up, like how Peter healed his.

Stiles will likely notice Avera in the hospital that time where Scott is breaking into the morgue so get Laura's scent and Stiles was getting Ignored by Lydia who was waiting for Jackson to finish his shoulder check up. While he was waiting for Scott, he might end up seeing Avera's name plate on one of the door and peek inside to recognise her or maybe just pass by the room and recognise her from the glimpses he ha seen of her. He may ask one of the Nurses if he could talk to her, and they allow him to and then go on to say something like "It's nice someone visiting her for once, she may not be awake but coma patients can still hear people around them." letting Stiles know that she is in fact in a coma, while the nurse misunderstood what Stiles meant by talking to her since he wasn't aware of her condition beforehand.

Maybe when she does eventually wake up, she disappears and somehow ends up acting as Stiles pet dog or something. I think that could bring some interesting scenarios. Stiles at this pint would also be aware of who she is and that she isn't just some random dog. I might not use this idea but it's a funny concept I guess. 

Maybe since Avera become a werewolf in a different way to everyone else, not getting bitten and not being born with the ability to shift either, she may have different coloured eyes than Blue, Yellow, or Red. Maybe; Green, Turquoise, Silver, Lilac.

 Maybe Derek could visit Avera just before he visit's the bus driver who was attacked by the alpha. Or Even take Scott to see her after visiting Peter (Or before) to show him what the Argent's are really like. Perhaps even Laura before she gets torn in half by Peter in the woods. By the time Core shows up, Avera would be awake but Cora might not know this and may not recognise her at first when they fist see each other. Cora mainly since she would still be under the assumption that Avera was in a coma but Avera herself may recognise her better

Maybe the nurse assigned to Peter could be doing something to Avera out of jealousy if Peter talks too much about her or Visits her in secret as he may have been protective of her like Derek and the rest of the family as well, or maybe he can sense that something has changed within her since the fire. It is also possible that he had caught glimpses of her like stiles and also thought that he was seeing things so he was visiting her out of curiosity. 

When should I have Avera wake up? I'm leaning towards the time where Peter is revealed as the Alpha or just before.

Over time, Avera get better at interacting with people in her Astral form and people can see her for longer periods of time. This all happens after Stiles finds out what is really happening with her and he may eve be helping her learn how to show herself more and do more things as she is. And even maybe try to get her to wake up.

While Avera is in a coma, Maybe Melissa McCall is the one assigned to her and during her breaks, she could rant to Avera about Scott being weird and Stiles being Stiles, even though she is in a coma but at least visiting her and giving her someone to listen to for a change since she got no visitors before Derek returned to Beacon Hill's.

Melissa may even have known Avera before she fell into a Coma if she ended up visiting the hospital when she was a kid. This may be likely since unlike the rest of her family, it would have been easier for her to catch illnesses as her werewolf genes hadn't kicked in yet. And this may also mean that she knew Stiles and Scott through Melissa but they may not remember much about her or recognise her at first.

While she is in her astral form, if she is under stress, her brain activity will show up in her real body which the doctors would be able to see on their monitors. The doctors don't have an explanation as to why her brain is doing this but are hoping it means that she is close to waking up. Perhaps Derek could visit or Stiles and the machines could 

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