(Jared Cameron) Quileute

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From: Twilight

Genre: #Romance #Werewolf #Shifter #Vampires #LaPuah #Twin #Black #JacobBlack #JaredCameron #Cullen's #Illness 

Name: Lillian Black - nicknamed 'Lily' for short


Lillian is Jacob's younger twin sister who was Kidnapped by Vampires when she was 9 when her and her mother were in a car accident. Her mother died and Lillian was taken by the Vampires who kept her and fed off of her for years, making sure that she didn't die or inject her with any venom, not aware that she had shifter genes. When she was first kidnapped, she was too young to shift and as she grew older, her body became weaker and she wouldn't survive if she phased, so despite being so close with Vampires, she didn't phase. That is until she turns 15 and manages to build up enough strength to escape and while she is running away, she has just enough strength that she phases into a light brown silver-ish wolf and manages to fight off the vampires who had kept her captive and make it to Forks where she meets the Cullen's. Injured from her escape, she is too weak to fight back and she ends up passing out and phasing back into her human form where Carlisle takes her in and treats her. Lillian ends up having to stay with the Cullen's because she is so weak and befriends them during her stay. Her family thinks that she is dead and she is afraid to face them knowing that she turns into a Giant Wolf. Because she was so weak and had spent so much time around vampires, her scent didn't bother the Cullen's nearly as much as other shifters. Lillian, like Jasper, her many scars across her arms and legs from vampire bites she had gotten over the 5-6 years of captivity, making the two share a closer bond than the others. Bella found out about Vampires and began dating Edward not long after Lillian arrived and the two became friends though Bella was never told what Lillian was. Bela found Lillian familiar somehow but couldn't place of where she could have seen her before, believing Jacob's sister to have died as well as everyone else so she never made the connection, Lillian however eventually remembered Bella from when she was younger before the car crash. While recuperating with the Cullen's, Sam, Jared and Paul all phased because of Victoria, James and Laurent killing people around the area but Lillian couldn't hear their thoughts because whatever the vampires had done to her and her being so weak and severed the bond with the pack and with her being a descendent of the last known alpha of the pack, Sam wasn't officially her alpha yet. She would only be joined back into the pack when she was reunited with them. When Victoria, James and Laurent start hunting around the area, they meet Lillian and she becomes one of there targets but until James sets his sights in Bella. Lillian helps protect Charlie while Bella leaves with Edward and she manages to take a chunk out of James before he follows them and he promises that he would come back to finish her off after injuring her too. He neer gets the chanse as he is killed by Edward but Victoria remembers and wants revenge against Lillian as well as Bella and Edward. After Bella gets a papercut and Jasper freaks out, Edward decides to move the family away from Bella for her protection and he leaves Lillian behind so that she can protect Bella in secret. Carlisle had intended on helping Lillian reconnect with her family as she was responding well to the treatment but after they moved ad cut contact, Lillian was left to deal with things on her own. Lillian protects Bella in secret by visiting her when she falls asleep and making sure she doesn't have nightmares by sneaking through her window and calming her down when it looks like they're gonna start, guarding her house and making sure she doesn't get hurt, chasing off Victoria when she finds her snooping around the area.


Lillian Black is the younger twin sister of Jacob Black who had been kidnapped by vampires when she and her mother got into a car crash. Her mother dead and Lily never to be seen again. Believed to be dead, Lily spends the next 6 years in captivity being fed off of by vampires leaving bite shaped scars littered across her tanned skin. Her body too weak to phase.

When Lily turns 15, she gathers enough strength to escape and as she is running for her life, she has just enough strength to phase into her beautiful Light brown and silver wolf, fighting off her attackers and being found by the Cullen's after running nonstop for a week. 

Taken in by the Coven, Lily befriends her natural enemies and they offer to help her find and reconnect with her family but with the appearance of Bella Swan, plans change and Lily is left fighting her problems alone.

Too afraid that her family, who believe her to be dead, wont accept the monster that she had become and busy fighting off an obsessed red headed leach to protect Bella, Lily is trapped in a dark place until she meets eyes with those of a large dark grey wolf.


When should I have Jaren and Lily meet? I might have it so that they could meet in human form and imprint on each other when Lily goes to LaPush but she wont know what's going on since she hadn't had anyone to explain to her what in imprint was yet.

Should I have Jake or Billy see Lily in her human form while she is in LaPush or in Forks and she doesn't realise they see her?

Should I have Lily play in the baseball game with the Cullen's? I could have it that Bella knows that she isn't human but doesn't know what she is as nobody would give her a strait answer. this way Lily joining the game with her enhanced seed and strength wont surprise Bella or make her suspicious.

With Lily spending so much time at the Cullen's, there scent is stuck to her so anyone who didn't pay attention to her would assume that she was a vampire. This way when James, Victoria and Laurent show up at the baseball game, they don't recognise Lily's scent as a shifter. the same could be seen when Lily ever goes to LaPush after the Cullen's up and leave.

Lily may be so weak that she stays with the Cullen's under Carlisle's care because if she doesn't get treatment then she could die. Perhaps it could have something to do with her phasing when her body wasn't completely ready. is this good or do you have any there ideas I could have for her staying with the Cullen's?

I could have it so that Victoria, James and Laurent all came from the Coven who kidnapped Lily and might have left to wander or just rarely go back to the coven since they kind of wander around. Should I do this or should I bring in new characters that I could have hunt down Lily form the Coven who took her?

If so then I could make it so that Lily could have killed the majority of the Coven during her escape and the vampires after her are after revenge.

Any other Suggestions you think could make this make sense?

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