(Teen Wolf) Argent Loup

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Argent Loup: This is French for 'Silver Wolf' which links to the Argents as hunters and Diana becoming a werewolf.

From: Teen Wolf

Genre: #Romance #TeenWolf #DerekHale #Hunter #Argent #Argents #IsaacLayhe #BeaconHills #Werewolf

Name:  Diana Argent - meaning 'Luminous' and 'Perfect' in American, this could link to the moon as it can be describes as 'Luminous' and Diana herself may thing that the 'Perfect' part in the meaning could be Ironic because she thinks of herself as anything but or maybe the situation she is in. And 'Argent' of course means 'Silver' in French. She may even go by 'Danny/ Dani' as a nickname and this may be like an inside joke between her and Danny the Guy lacrosse Dude.

Species: Human (Birth) turned Werewolf.


Diana was the daughter of a hunter family, cousins to the Argent's and was trained since she could walk, not knowing what she was training for. The problem however was that her parent's were never on good terms with each other and took this out on her a lot of the time, blaming her and finding fault in everything she did. Their abuse got physical and her training got worse. Diana's parent's believed that she didn't know about werewolves yet as they never told her about them since she was too young, however, Diana had overheard many arguments and conversations between the two and put thigs together, even venturing into their basement one night which she was forbidden to enter and found a werewolf locked in a cage. Instead of being scared, Diana helped and befriended the werewolf, and gave them a chance to escape. When her parent's found out, she had tried to kill her in anger, fatally wounding her, but before Diana died, the werewolf he had helped escape came back an killed her parent's and gave her the bite so she would survive her wounds. The Werewolf had so leave without her as it was still being hunted, and Diana was left in the house, slowly healing, her parents bodies still spilled out on the floor, for hours. Hunter's eventually came to the house and found her and her parent's, but by that time, Diana's wound's had already healed and no bite mark was left, leading them to believed she was still human. From then on, Diana became a mute because of the trauma her parent's put hr through, but never felt any animosity towards werewolves who were innocent. She was adopted by the Argents and raised alongside Allison. She kept her werewolf side hidden, by forcing herself to calm down and quickly learning how to control the shifts. Havin had practice withholding her temper because of her parent's and the trauma from everything had left her feeling numb. Her anchor being the werewolf who she ad helped escape and given her the bite. She moved to Beacon Hill's with her new family and was in the same year as Allison, befriending Lydia and trying to have a normal teenage life, or at least as normal as a teenage mute werewolf hunter could get. But of course, that's never going to happen is it.



I could have I so that she isn't as close to Lydia than Allison is, and might even start hanging out with Erica before she became a werewolf, perhaps both having been bullied in the past because of their disabilities. Erica being an epileptic, and Diana being mute. Diana herself probably doesn't like hanging around lots pf people of having a lot of attention as well so it makes sense if she doesn't hang around Allison and Lydia as much since they're popular.

If the Love interest ad Diana end up being mates, then perhaps we could have it so that they can share memories and pain, this way, they will know what Diana has gone through and vice versa, but this memory sharing may not happen right away.

Maybe the werewolf she helped could have been someone who shows up in the series. Its possible that it could be Derek since he left beacon hills after the fire, but I'm not sure. It could also be one of the alpha pack, one of Derek's Sisters, Laura or Cora OR have the werewolf be some random OC who ends up getting killed by hunters no too long after he or she bit Diana.

To justify Diana not having any injuries the night of the attack, the werewolf could have hidden her in her house so it looked like she hid herself for protection to the hunters.

Since Diana moved in with the Argent's, her and Allison had become like sisters and she would help her through her problems that didn't involve the full moon as she wasn't aware. Diana also took training in Gymnastics, self defence, archery and so forth alongside Allison. The two may have been taking these classes together anyway every now and then ad new each other well before. 

Should I have it so that Allison is ware of the abuse Diana went through?

To justify Diana hiding her lycanthropy for the first few months and nobody noticing could be that she locked herself in her room the entire time and used the trauma f what happened as an excuse to hide herself until she could control it.

The werewolves in beacon Hill's have no idea that she is a werewolf and se is very good at hiding it so not even Derek knows. With Diana living with the Argents and having werewolf hearing though, she can easily find things out and access the bestiary on her own, over hear their conversations about the alpha, Derek and Scott, as well as overhear Scott and Siles conversations at school. She would also be completely aware of Scott visiting Allison in secret because of his scent and being able to hear them through the walls, much to her distaste.

Diana cold be using small amount's of wolves bane to hide her lycanthropy. Having an amount that isn't harmful, or may take a long time to become harmful if she keeps taking it. And with her living in a house filled with bullets and wolfbane, maybe she has a better resistance to it because of the exposure or her body had become weak because of it, and the Argent's just think that she is frail. 

Ultimately, it is possible the the Argent's had planned to ever tell Diana about werewolves and hunters because of her being mute, the trauma and her being weak (caused by wolfsbane which they don't realise yet) so they want to protect her. Kate would probably not like her though or might just treat her less than Allison.

Love Interests?:

- Derek Hale ~ Being an Argent, Derek would naturally be weary of Diana and see her as an enemy, not knowing she is a werewolf. But when he finds out about her real story and species, it is likely his whole opinion of her will change completely. He may also be very weary of her given his past with Kate Argent, not wanting history to repeat itself. If they end up feeling each other's pain, then it could lead to Diana having a higher chance of getting found out by the Argent's. With Diana knowing the Argent's plan as well as Scott, she could be secretly helping him which could catch Derek's eye.

- Isaac Lahey ~ Since the two of then had both come from abusive households, they would be able to understand each other better than others. Diana may also be able to help Isaac with his shift's since she had a lot of practice with it. With Diana being quiet and not interacting with a lot of people. Maybe she could find herself interacting with Isaac and Isaac may even tell her about his home situation after she asks him 'who am I going to tell?' joking about her being mute, before he becomes a werewolf.

- Stiles Stilinski ~ Stiles is very smart and after having to deal with Scott becoming a werewolf, it is possible that he could figure Diana's secret out himself and put thing together. With Scott and Allison spending time together as well, this leaves Stiles and Diana as the third wheel for the two so they may end up spending more time together because of this. Diana will likely be helping Scott in secret, not wanting the hunters to kill him and Stiles might take notice or she could be giving Stiles hints anonymously because she knows that he is helping Scott and Stiles might notice. 

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