(Black Clover) Vermillion

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Vermillion: Referring to her forgotten last name of her Noble Vermillion family which she will remember sometime later in the story.

From: Black Clover - mainly form the anime, however may refer to the manga when necessary

Genre: #Romance #BlackButler #BlackBulls #Vermillion #MagicKnights #Sister

Name: Valentine Vermillion - meaning 'Strong and Healthy' in Roman. Also goes by 'Val' for short which can also be short for Valiant which has the same meaning. Her last name comes form the Vermillion house in the anime, the name meaning 'Bright red pigment made from mercury sulphide'.

Magic: Four Leaf Clover with Fire Magic


Valentine is the youngest child of the Vermillion family, only one year younger than Leopold. She was born with a weak body and was named Valentine in the hopes that she would become strong and healthy when she grew up. even though she was physically weak, she had strong magical power even as a child. When Valentine was five years old, she was kiddnapped by one of the enemy families from one of the neighbouring countries, planning to use her against the Vermillion family and hold her hostage however, just as they were passing the border, the group were attacked by beasts and died. Valentine. who had been injured and knocked unconscious before this woke up and her magic power went out of control, scaring off the beasts. She ended up walking through the forest trying to find help and couldn't remember who she was. She eventually was found by Asta and Yuno who took her back to the church where they ended up taking her in as an orphan after hearing her story and patching her up. The Vermillion family followed the trail of the kidnappers until they found their bodies and also found a torn part of Valentine's clothes covered in blood as well and assumed she had died with them and had been eaten. Then looked through the forest anyway but couldn't find any sign that she was alive. After this, they mourned for her and had a funeral while she started living in Hage alongside Yuno and Asta at the orphanage. When everyone gets their grimoires, Valentine's is a four leaf clover however, it also acts like the monster book of monsters from harry potter, as if it has a life of its own. She hides her Grimoire from notice as everyone is fixated on Asta and Yuno and she shows then in secret. She goes to the Magic Knights exam along side then and finds the capital familiar but can't remember why. She aces the magic knight exam and most the of captains raise their hands however she chooses the Black Bulls because she doesn't like arrogant nobles, Asta is there and she wants a challenge so starting off at a disadvantage will make her work harder. Meanwhile, her wild hair is falling over most of her face but Fuegleon Vermillion, the Captain of the Crimson Lions as will as her eldest brother is in shock when he sees her, finding her strangely familiar but hesitant to believe that she is his little sister and give himself false hope. He is so shocked that he can't even raise his hand and misses his chance. 



Valentine's magic is mainly fire based and she can summon a cloak, similar to the nine tails cloak that covers her body and takes the form of either a fire lion or a phoenix.

She has a pet Fire Phoenix that was born from her Magic and had grown alongside her. She was young when it first took it's form so she is not at first aware that it is apart of her magic but she will find this out later. Perhaps it it dies but since it is a phoenix, it can always come back to life as long as she has magical power.

She calls her phoenix 'Homura' and he is a male. the name also means 'Fire' or 'Flame' in Japanese and is considered a unisex name. 

Since she had Homura before her kidnapping, her family may recognise it, even though it had only been a chick at the time. They don't see Homura at the Magic Knights Exam though because she usually sends up off to fly and play. Homura at the time had been chasing around the anti-magic birds for fun and so Fuegleon had missed him.

Valentine might have chosen the Crimson Lions if her older brother had raised his hand in the entrance exam because she had heard that they, as nobles, weren't as arrogant as the others, however since he was too shocked to raise his hand, she chose the black bulls and followed Asta.

Valentine had previously stood up for commoners many times and had grown to dislike nobles because of the way they treat them. Herself feeling very protective of her friends and believing that it is a nobles job to protect those weaker than them and that was what made a noble in the first place. Not the magic power they possessed, but what they did with it.

Valentines Grimoire is a deep red colour with golden engravings as well as a golden four leaf clover in the centre. It acts similar to the monster book of monsters from harry potter in the way that it can be violent. It is very protective of its master and if someone is rude to her, it may fly out and attack them on impulse so she has to keep it locked away when in public. She calls it 'Grim' for short. it can't talk or anything but it can growl at people and shoot fireballs when very angry. It can change its temperature as well so if someone it doesn't like goes to pick it up, it will heat itself up so that it burns them. It is also naturally fire resistant.

Grim in a way kind of acts like a loyal dog at times.

It is Valentines belief that it is a nobles job to look after those under them. Weather that be fighting to protect them as a magic knight or managing the businesses and land to help the economy. If they mistreat those under them then they have no right to remain nobles.

Valentine is one year younger than Leopold making her 15 when she takes the magic knight exam and Leopold 16.

Valentine is a Leo like all her other siblings.

Love Interest?

- Asta ~ Since Leopold declared Asta as his rival, their can be more interactions between them al if Valentine is closer to Asta. It may give Leopold even more reason to have Asta as a Rival and they can use this as a reason to fight. Say, Leopold could tell Asta that he will only let him marry Valentine if he becomes the wizard king or becomes stronger than him or something like that. Asta could have been the one to fins Valentine in the woods to begin with instead of him and Yuno as well making him feel protective of her. Valentine is more outgoing so her personality fits with Asta. She isn't as bad as him though.

- Yuno ~ Yuno could have been the one to find Valentine first in the woods instead of him and Asta giving him a reason to feel more protective of her. Also with them both owning four leaf clovers, they both will be put in the spotlight and help each other. The contrast since Valentine is technically a noble and Yuno is a commoner can also work well and they both have similar views. Since Valentine is more outgoing than Yuno, their contrasting personalities fit in their own way.

- Solid Silva ~ Solid and Valentine of opposites with their views and Valentine may help to change his way of thinking towards commoners. Since Valentine is technically a noble, he would be more inclined to listen to her and accept her compared to if she were a commoner as well. With Valentine owning a phoenix, it kind of fits with the Silver 'Eagles' and we can make something of this. I can also change it so that she chooses the Silver Eagles as well and see what happens from their perhaps or have Solid asked to investigate her to  see weather she really is a commoner or not. I don't know.

- Other? ~

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