(Nezu's Adoptive Daughter) Shattered Glass

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Shattered Glass: I came up with the name on the fly since I wasn't too sure what to call this. I guess wit 'Shattered Glass', the meaning could be that even though she is broken and fragile, she can be dangerous. And also more dangerous than she was before she was 'shattered'.  

From: Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia - mainly from the anime but may refer to the manga when necessary.

Genre: #Romance #BNHA #Dadzu #Nezu #Adoption #1A #UA #Psychic #Telepathic #Intelligent #Quirk

Name: Sai Nezumi - meaning 'Intelligent' and her last name means 'Mouse' in Japanese since Nezu doesn't have a last name so he made one up that links to him.

Quirk: Mystic.


Sai was born with a powerful mind quirk that gives her telepathic, psychic abilities, and higher intelligence. So she can levitate things, speak using her mind and read peoples thoughts to an extent. She was given up by her parents after she got her quirk because they found her too hard to handle and began to think that she was possessed which is stupid given the society they live in. She was sent to an orphanage where she was then adopted by a couple who turned to to be working for an illegal group that experiment on children who's quirks are still developing. Sai became an experimental subject and was treated as an animal for years until she turned 10. After 6 years in captivity alone, the group bring in a strange talking mouse, dog, bear hybrid they had managed to kidnap. Sai and the mysterious creature called Nezu are locked in the same cell and Sai quickly warms up to Nezu, no longer trusting people and as Nezu is an animal, she trusts him. She reassure Nezu that he will be alright with a smile, not knowing that he is a Pro Hero (Neither o the captors) and comes up with a plan of escape, analysing everything. Nezu, who had planned to break them out himself stays silent and watches her work things out, impressed by her and helps her with her plan to escape. They both escape and the group are arrested but Sai no longer trusts people and cannot be taken to an orphanage for her own mental health. Nezu decides to Adopt her and gives her the last name 'Nezumi' which means 'mouse' as he himself has no last name (That I am aware of). Through the next 6 years, Nezu slowly integrates Sai back into society and gets her to trust people again, much like how he had to after his experiences in his past. He truly sees her as his daughter and diligently taught her many things, increasing her knowledge far above those of her age group and helping get a better handle on her quirk that could easily go out of control. She is close to the UA teachers, growing up in the school while being taught by Nezu and would even help the teachers every now and then. She eventually got into UA after taking the entrance exam, even though she didn't need to but she wanted to interact more with the other kids and get to know the people she may end up working with in the future. 



Sai's Quirk gives her; Psychic abilities - enabling her to move things with her mind. The heavier the object the more strain is put on her and living things are harder to move than inanimate objects. Telepathic abilities - giving her the ability to speak into someone's mind and create a mind like with someone so they can talk back, read someone's mind and hear their thoughts but it takes a lot of concentration. High Intelligence - her quirk affects her brain and allows her to use a higher percentage of her brain than other people so her quirk can kind of be classed as a mutation quirk , this gives her a photographic memory and a higher intelligence kind of like 'High Specs' but not as advanced but can get to that point through study.

The drawbacks of her quirk are migraines, bleeding from the eyes, ears and nose, and her brain shutting down into a coma that can last from a day to a month.

Sai's psychic quirk is very powerful and thus, can be hard to control. It can be affected by her emotions and act up without her willing it to. She also uses it reflexively if she is startled as a defence mechanism from her time before Nezu.

Sai loves animals and cute things so even though she is father antisocial and cod to people she doesn't trust yet, she gushes over animals and acts cute.

Love Interest?:

- Eijiro Kirishima ~ I think that Kirishima would be able to get Sai to warm up to him and trust him given his nature and he would probably try and get her to talk more and make friends even though she finds trusting people hard. 

- Fumikage Tokoyami ~ Since both of their quirks can go out of control, Tokoyami's when in the dark, and Sai's when she is stressed or emotional, they might be able to bond over this and work to overcome it with each others help. With Tokoyami looking more bird than boy, Sai might find it easier to trust him and Dark Shadow can be like one of those Therapy cats se finds cute and gushes over.

- Katsuki Bakugo ~ Because her quirk is mind based, her physical body is what needs the most work so it would be beneficial for her to train with him. It is also likely that he would underestimate her because of her appearance since she is small, at the beginning. (Perhaps even physically weak if he hadn't had help from the teachers for this or is a ide effect from the experiments that affected her health.) With Katsuki being very... expressive and hostile and Sai being the way she is, it would be funny to soo how Katsuki would act around her as they are both bombs waiting to go off but in different ways.

- Others? ~ 

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