(Hitoshi Shinso) Daydream

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Daydream: The reason this didn't called 'Dreamwalker' is because I already had an original story named this with a girl who would jump into peoples dreams. I also thought that 'Daydream' would be a better fit and I didn't want to name the book after her quirks name since its quite common. 'Daydream' will also likely be her Hero name as well as one of her own characteristics.

from: Boku No Hero Academia / My Hero Academia ' mainly from the anime but will refer to the manga hen nececery

Genre: #Romance #BNHA #MHA #1A #Intelligent #Dream #Quirks

Name: Tsukiko Toshi - meaning 'Moon child' to refer to dreams when people are asleep, and her last name means 'Mirror Image' which can also refer to her quirk because she can make illusions like a reflection if she wanted. She is called 'Tsuki' for short. The Japanese meaning for 'Tsuki' is 'To Thrust' which may link to how she forces herself into peoples minds.

Quirk: Dreamwalker or Sandman


Tsukiko, or Tsuki for short, comes from a quirkless family and because of this, everyone thought that she too would be quirkless. When it was discovered that she did have a quirk, everyone was surprised but when they found out that she could jump into peoples dreams, they all thought that it was a weak quirk and that she might as well have been quirkless, calling her quirk pathetic an weak. Tsuki herself is a pretty laid back person who doesn't care what people think about her and her quirk as she would rather sleep, but she also has her own pride so she won't sit back and do nothing either, even if that's basically what she does everyday at school. She is very intelligent and creative so it doesn't take long for her to push the limits of her quirk and find different ways to utilise it, finding that her quirk can actually be pretty powerful if used correctly. While others believe that she is helpless and weak, she works tirelessly to improve herself and strengthen her quirk so prove that no quirk is weak and she can become a hero just like the best of them, if not better. She eventually tries to UA entrance exam but when she gets their, she finds herself facing Robots, something that she can't use her quirk against so how will she fare?


Not too sure what it's gonna be yet.


Tsuki's quirk appears weak and when she was younger, she was only able to jump into peoples dreams, even when she didn't mean to. This also includes Nightmares. With more practice, she could affect what happened in the dreams and interact with the owner of the dreams.

Later it was discovered that she can cause people to fall asleep and into a dreamlike state, and perhaps even dreamwalk, acting out what they did in the dreams so in a battle, she could make an enemy fall into a dream where he thought he was fighting her but in reality, he was fighting his friends.

The next step up from this is to make people dreamwalk while they are still awake. Making them see what she wants them. And up from this is to have it affect a entire group instead of one person.

Their is another part of this quirk that can become pretty powerful and that is the theory that 'If you die in your dreams, you die in real life. That's why you wake up before you die when your dreaming'. From this, Tsuki can physically harm people she has put in a dreamlike state and even kill them so they would have to fend off both the dreams and the reality.

I could also make part of her quirk to make her dreamlike illusions apart of reality, but to make them real objects, it takes a lot of concentration and energy and they will disappear when she looses consciousness. they are not permanent.

Another thing about her quirk is that because she can affect peoples dreams, she can choose to give people nightmares or take them away. But she can also find out a lot about a person by looking into their dreams and nightmares like their greatest fear and even their memories or ambitions.

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