(Zabuza Momochi) Lukewarm

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Lukewarm: Meaning; Moderately warm; neither cold nor hot; tepid; not ardent; not zealous; cool; indifferent. "a half-hearted effort", "gave only lukewarm support to the candidate". This all refers to Kana's personality at the beginning of the story.

From: Naruto + Naruto Shippuden and Pre Naruto - mainly from the anime though may refer to the manga when necessary. 

Genre:#Romance #Anbu #Haku #Zabuza #ZabuzaMomochi #SevenNinjaSwordsmenOfTheMist #BloodMist #LandOfWaves

Name: Kana - meaning 'Power' in Japanese. And as she is an orphan, she has no last name. Her first name links to how Zabuza seeks out powerful pawns, such as Haku, as well as the need for power to live in a village like the hidden mist during the era it was given the moniker, the bloody mist.


Kana is born as an orphan in the hidden mist village just before the start of the third great shinobi war and was brought to the academy because her large reserves of chakra were noticed by the older ninja and thus, she was recruited to be a ninja, weather she wanted to or not. It was later found out that she had hte boil release kekki genkai which drew the attention of hte village enders who wanted to use her in the comming war. Because of her upbringing and the general atmosphere of the village, she became incredibly closed off from the world and when interacting with others, she would answer with short and precise answers, never giving more information than she needs, and with an emotionless lukewarm smile. While attending the academy, she never fell for the propaganda that was shoved down their throats and would leave water clones in her place while she left to train on her own and prepare herself for the war she would be forced into. Having done her own research before hand, she knew that her graduation would be a deathmatch against her classmates, so she made sure to keep her distance from them as to both not get attached, or reveal any of her own weaknesses to them while quietly observing them through her own water clones to get the upper hand herself. When it finally came to the day of her graduation, she, and another boy who wasn't even an academy student dominated the exam and killed over 100 students before the exam was discontinued and the two set to join the seven ninja swordsman as a two man team. Both are against this but they have no say in their orders and so, they become a team, much to their own chagrin. Their dynamic works weirdly well, though they don't really get off on the right foot with Kana's personality clashing with Zabuza's. It's not that they can't get along, but Zabuza finds her lukewarm smile creepy and gets annoyed whenever he can't get a reaction out of her, and for someone who loves control, this wont do. Other than this, Kana is fine with following Zabuza's orders after she has seen for herself how skilled he is and trusts his strength so when they fight alongside each other, Zabuza leads and Kana follows. Zabuza, still unnerved by her smile, makes it his mission to get a reaction out of her by whatever means necessary, though he is mainly unsuccessful in the begining. Kana herself starts to see his attempts as something akin to entertainment since she finds his tantrums and sulking funny considering he is someone with the moniker 'Demon of the hidden mist'. Zabuza eventually starts to get more reactions out of her as they both develop more trust with one another, though neither would admit this, and they become unspoken friends. They fight alongside each other during the third great shinobi war and have each others backs even within their own village. Both reach the Rank of ANBU early on in their careers and become feared by those from other villages and even within their own. Along the way, Zabuza comes across Haku and decides to take him in to train him to become his tool, as since Kana is his partner, he decides to dump Haku on her to look after outside of training whenever he can. Kana is awkward at first but Haku grows on her and while she is a woman of few words, Haku is more than happy to do the talking while she listens. At one point, Kana, Zabuza and Haku witness the Kaguya clan attack the village but chose to do nothing about it and just watch everything go down, not long after, the group come across Kimimaro Kaguya and while Zabuza choses to leave him behind, Kana walks up to the boy and decides that she is going to take him in. Zabuza is shocked by this, since Kana doesn't usually do stuff like this and follows all his orders but, while he doesn't like that she went against him, he isn't bothered since this was the first time he had ever really seen her take the initiative. He doesn't let her know he is secretly glad she was doing something for herself and grumbles about how she would have to look after him as though she isn't already looking after Haku for him anyway. During the forth Mizukage's reign over the hidden mist, Zabuza came to disagree with the workings of the hidden village, and not only that, but the Kage chose to separate the Duo after taking a closer interest in Kana's Kekki Genkai. Zabuza gathers followers to and attempts a coup d'état only to be betrayed by one of their own, however, he isn't the only one to be betrayed. Kana, who was ordered to protect the Mizukage, turns against him after realising that something was off about him and goes back to Zabuza's side like old times and they both escape together with their two pupils. Kana's return to his side is a pleasant surprise, though he loth to admit this aloud, but Zabuza is grateful for her loyalty to him. The four become rogue ninja after Zabuza's failed attempt against the forth Mizukage, taking with them a few other of Zabuza's followers such as the demon brothers and become mercenaries in order to accumulate finds for a second attempt at taking over the hidden mist.

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