S3 EP 9 ! "Flex Appeal"

Start from the beginning

"Aight, now continue to tell me everything else while you walk me to the donut shop!" K-Ci dragged Dalvin out of the school building.

It was the day of the game and most of the scholars were outside, chatting and sparing time before the football game began.

Two voices could be heard from the girls bathroom.

"Could you help me clip my bra?"

"Let me fix this damn wig first!"

Tanai and Natalia were walking by and stopped at the bathroom door. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom before we go outside!" Tanai told her friend.

"Okay girl, don't take too long!" Natalia said before walking into the locker room. Tanai walked into the bathroom and stopped in her tracks.

There were two 'girls' standing in front of her wearing the black and green Cobras uniform who definitely stood out. One girl was brownskin and wore glittery pink lip gloss, although there was a mustache above her top lip. Her long curly black hair reached her mid back and her fingernails were painted hot pink. She was Dalvin.

The other girl was a tad darker than the first. She wore bright red lipstick that had been applied a little bit too much. She had red press-on nails and her honey blonde wig went to the end of her back, despite the fact that it was crooked. She was K-Ci.

Tanai's eyebrows went up in confusion. "I have so many questions—"

"Look, we're doing this for the sake of you." K-Ci informed her before flicking his friend's ponytail. "Me?" Tanai pointed to herself. "I don't get it."

"K and I had overheard Alexis telling the other cheerleaders that they were gonna drop you while you were up in the air, and then they were gonna throw Gatorade on you. Don't worry though, we're gonna deal with Alexis. That's why we're dressed like this." Dalvin explained.

"We're gonna need you, so be close by on the field. So when we give you a signal, you're gonna grab the jug and throw it at her," K-Ci added on.

A smug look came across Tanai's face as she took in all the information, "Well this should be exciting."

Dalvin and K-Ci inched toward the bathroom door before Dalvin stopped in his tracks and faced Tanai. "Wait! Before we go, could you help me clip my bra?"

Alexis rolled her eyes. "Where the hell is Tina?"

"You know that girl's name ain't no damn Tina." Vanessa eyed Alexis. "Her name is Tanai," Natalia corrected, "And she went to the bathroom."

Dalvin and K-Ci had found a way to get into the locker room while none of the girls were paying attention. "Actually!" K-Ci chimed in, all the girls turning their heads to look at him, "Tanai won't be cheering today."

"She was throwing up in the bathroom and said she didn't feel well so she went home. We're here to fill in for her!" Dalvin smiled, disguising his voice.

"And you are...?" Alexis pressed.

Dalvin and K-Ci gave each other looks. "Oh...we're Tanai's cousins! She called us in. My name is...uh—Dawn!" Dalvin said the first name that came to mind.

All the other cheerleaders looked at K-Ci and waited for his introduction. Dalvin nudged him and he got the message. "Oh! My name is Kandace. With a K, that is," He sent a wink.

"You look a little manly." Alexis crossed her arms as she eyed K-Ci up and down.

"And you ain't got no ass, but did I say anything about that?" K-Ci rolled his neck, making Natalia and Vanessa snicker at the bitter look on Alexis's face.

Dalvin snatched some pom-poms up off the floor. "Come on everybody!" He ran out the locker room as all the cheerleaders followed after him. He had accidentally bumped into JoJo while he was running. He muttered a quick 'sorry!' before continuing to scurry off.

JoJo stood there confused. "Was that Dalvin?" He questioned himself, before shrugging and going on with the rest of his day.

It was halftime and the football players were currently on break. JoJo and DeVante sat in one of the middle rows on the bleachers. "Where Dalvin and K-Ci at? They missed half the game." DeVante said.

JoJo shrugged. "They're probably doing something illegal."

DeVante took notice of the cheerleaders getting ready to cheer and tapped JoJo's arm. "Look, they gon' get to clappin' and shakin'!"

On the field, 'Dawn' and 'Kandace'—along with the fifteen other cheerleaders got in position for their chant. Alexis pushed the two out the way and took the center of attention. Dalvin had to hold K-Ci back because he was this close to suffocating her with a pom-pom.

They did their opening cheer together, then it was go-time. Dalvin and K-Ci shared a knowing glare before Dalvin picked Alexis up off her feet. He and Vanessa held up her legs before Dalvin let go. Vanessa saw that she had a broken nail, so she let go of her leg and Alexis went tumbling to the ground in front of everyone.

"Okay!" K-Ci clapped his hands. He started doing some unusual stomp and clap with a chant he came up with. "One, two, three, goodbye! You ain't got no alibi! You tried to sabotage Tanai and now you are about to cry, you ugly! You, you, you ugly!" He stepped on Alexis everytime he moved.

"Now, Nai!" Dalvin called out.

Tanai ushered up to them with the big jug that was originally supposed to be Gatorade, which was now tomato sauce. Dalvin and K-Ci helped her out as they all threw the sauce on Alexis.

Dalvin, K-Ci and Tanai—along with the rest of the cheerleaders, football players, and people on the bleachers laughed at Alexis's karma. Alexis' lip quivered and tears of embarrassment welled up in her eyes, making her run off the field.

"Thanks for lookin' out for me y'all. I appreciate ittttt!" Tanai sang as she pulled the two boys into a hug.

"You know we got you, Nai!" Dalvin reassured her as K-Ci agreed.

JoJo and DeVante appeared behind the three. "Y'all look mighty cute!" JoJo teased before snatching his brother's wig off his head.

K-Ci ran his hands over his head frantically. "You know how hard it was for me to keep that on straight?!"

"I'm tryna' figure out where y'all got the accessories and how y'all knew what sizes y'all wear," DeVante joked.

K-Ci shook his head. "Ion know about all that cause this thong is hella uncomfortable," he had a weird stance as he got weird looks from everybody.

"You know you ain't have to put that on, right?" Dalvin asked. K-Ci didn't respond, he just stared.

JoJo snickered. "Y'all are about to get suspended," he pointed to Alexis walking over with the principal.

Dalvin and Tanai sprinted away, while K-Ci tried to run off the best way he could without getting a wedgie.

I was planning on dropping this the 14th but I decided to spoil y'all 🤪 y'all ain't gon' hear from me till around Feb cause I'm on a schedule, but I hope you enjoyed, love y'all ! ❤️

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