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(Y/N) Pov

Next Morning

I was going downstairs so I could go to the Great Hall and get some breakfast but I halted when a hand was placed on my forearm, I turned around only to find Harry and Ron, my brother had a conflicted expression on his face while Ron looked desperate.

Ron: I know this is going to be to much to ask, but we need your help, I know that may be the last thing you want to do right now but this can help Hermione.

(Y/N): You guys sure are shameless, stopping me while I was on my way to breakfast only to make me lose my appetite by asking for my help, after all those comments you made, here you are almost begging me to help you.

Ron looked down, I know he felt guilty about what Harry says to me and by the fact that he never tried to stop him from saying them, I didn't blame him though, since it must be hard to go against a friend.

Harry: Let's cut the chit-chat, we don't really need your help, we know you are friends with Hermione, so we just thought it would be a good idea to ask you if you wanted to help. So will you help us or not?

(Y/N): Trying to act tough doesn't suit you, it makes your face look awkward but yes I guess I'll help you guys out but don't confuse things, I'm not helping you guys because I like you, no I'm doing this so I can punish the person that petrified Hermione.

Draco: Hey, is everything okay here?

Harry: Everything's fine, Malfoy. Stay out of other peoples business.

Draco: I wasn't asking you, Potter!

(Y/N): Hey, it's fine don't worry, if he does anything that I don't like I'll do something that will make him regret being born. You should go to have breakfast, I'll talk with you later, promise!

Draco: Okay, I'll see you in a bit.

He walked away glaring at the
people in front of me.

Harry: Now that the nuisance is gone, we need to talk to Hagrid, it may be him, if he set the monster in the loose last time, he may know how to open the Chamber of Secrets and that's a start.

(Y/N): The only nuisance here it's you, and I advice you to choose your words very carefully around me, unless you want to be turned into an object forever, and I still can't believe that you actually think that the Heir is Hagrid, you've got problems like serious problems.

He looked at me with gritted teeth, after that he turned his eyes away to Ron, and stared him instead.

Ron: But, you've heard the new rules, we're not allowed to the tower.

Harry: I think it's time to get my dad's invisibility cloak out again.



I still can't believe I'm doing this, we were on our way to Hagrid's hut, under Harry's invisibility cloak. My stomach churned, this man told me I was a witch and changed my life for the better, he gave me a school that I'm happy to call home and now just because of my idiot brother, who should feel just like I do instead of feeling so proud of himself, I have to go with him because he decides to believe a memory of someone he doesn't know that it's most definitely hiding something.

Ron looked as troubled as I did, we have been trying to change his mind about this all day, but Harry didn't even looked guilty about what he would do.

He opened Hagrid's door only to be face to face with a crossbow

Harry: What's that for?

Hagrid: Oh, nothing. I was expecting something . It doesn't matter. Come on in. I just made a pot of tea.

(Y/N): Hey Hagrid. Can I see that crossbow?

He nodded so I picked up the crossbow, it was kinda heavy but nothing I couldn't handle, I pointed it at Harry, I wasn't going to shoot him, it was just to try to scare him, and it worked because he started to shake lightly and gulped, that made me grin and scared him even more, but after a couple of seconds I put the weapon down.

Harry: Hagrid, are you okay?

I looked at them, finding Hagrid shakily purring tea in cups and spilling it when he put to much in one of the cups.

Hagrid: I'm fine. I'm all right.

I didn't want to talk, I felt really bad about all of this and if I talked I would only feel like I was interrogating him.

Harry: Did you hear about Hermione?

Hagrid: Oh, yeah, I heard about that, all right.

Harry: Look we have to ask you something.

(Y/N): It's not "we have", it's "you have", cause i don't believe it and neither does Ron.

He rolled his eyes. It was fun to annoy him, he always gets worked up about it, even if it's just a tiny little comment.

Harry: Do you know who opened the Chamber of Secrets?

A tension appeared in the room, it's was obviously awkward and just by looking at Hagrid's face I could see that he was really shocked right now.

Hagrid: What you have to understand about that is that...

He got cut off by Fang barking,

Hagrid: Quick, under the cloak. Don't say a word. Be quiet. All three of you.

Hagrid: Oh, professor Dumbledore, sir.

Dumbledore: Good evening, Hagrid. I wonder, could we...?

Hagrid: I'd course. Come in. Come in.

Ron: That's my dad's boss. Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic.

Cornelius: Bad business, Hagrid, very bad business. Had to come. Three attacks on Muggle-borns. Things have gone far enough. The Ministry's got to act.

Hagrid: But I never. You know I never, professor.

Dumbledore: I want it understood, Cornelius, that Hagrid has my full confidence.

Cornelius: Albus, look, Hagrid's record is against him. I've got to take him.

Hagrid: Take me? Take me where? Not Azkaban prison!

Cornelius: I'm afraid we have no choice, Hagrid.

The door opened, and a man with platinum hair was revealed, a man that I knew really well, Lucius Malfoy.


Word Count: 1050

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