The End of Another Year

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(Y/N) Pov

The duo took the chubby small rat looking person of the hole he got stuck in, the man quickly turned to my uncle, a desperate look in his eyes, he was asking for help, begging Uncle to help him out of this situation but he only received a scowl in return, it was his fault that he got caught now he needs to get himself out of it.

The man's eyes turned to me, recognition flashed in them, he knew who I was, he also knew by the glare in my eyes that he would be doomed if he even thought about begging me for help, I couldn't care less that he was my father's servant, he was a rat, he could've hidden anywhere in the world and wait for my father's return but he decided to hide with a family that was close to the people he betrayed, sooner or later he was bound to be discovered, he should've thought this through, we can definitely see that he wasn't the brains in his friend group.

Professor Lupin and Sirius marched up to him, wands ready to cast spells if needed, hatred in their eyes, they wanted justice for what he had done, once Peter realized the emotion in their face he quickly scrambled towards the middle of the room, near Harry who was shocked but still had that malevolent glint in his face.

Peter Pettigrew: Remus? Sirius?

He played the innocent act like he hadn't been hiding, pretending to be a rat for twelve years to not get caught for the crimes he committed, Draco took a step closer to me, making Peter's attention shift to him, he obviously knew which family Draco belonged to with just a small glance, his family's platinum hair is very particular making it easy to distinguish them from the other families, but after seeing my protective glare he quickly went back to playing the innocent part.

Peter Pettigrew: My old friends!

He knew that the act he was playing wasn't going to stick so he once again made the dumb decision to try to run right through Professor Lupin and Sirius, which was a failure, I almost laughed but held it once I saw my uncle's gaze, my leg had Sirius's animagus teeth gaps making him worry about me, to be honest with everything that is happening now and I went through these couple of years this is not the worst pain I've felt.

Peter Pettigrew: Harry, look at you! You look so much like your father, James. We were the best of friends he and I...

Sirius: Don't you dare speak to Harry?!

Harry looked at both of them like they were dirt under his shoe, just by looking at the scene I knew that the look Sirius received hurt him, seeing his godson look at like he was nothing cut him deeper than anything he felt before, he was good at masking it but Professor Lupin and I saw it from a mile away, but I didn't want to put myself in the middle of this discussion. They already knew who did it so why they were delaying it so much.

Sirius: How dare you talk about James in front of him?

They chased each other throughout the room, almost as if playing tag, like just get this over with cause I would very much like to get medical treatment and some very needed sleep.

Professor Lupin: You sold James and Lily, to Voldemort, didn't you?!

Peter Pettigrew: I didn't mean to!

(Y/N): Oh, yes, definitely! Cause someone just betrays his friends by accident.

Uncle glared at me, wanting me to stay quiet but I really couldn't help the sarcastic comment, you could see it had lifted a bit of the tension in the room, some even let out a smirk in this serious situation, Peter glared at me but with a lift of my eyebrow he was already looking away, scared out of his mind, I rolled my eyes, he was really dumb if he thought I was going to torture him in front of all these people, not that most of them would stop me.

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