Witched Bludger

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(Y/N) Pov

The Slytherin Quidditch  Team was ready to get on the field, Draco was by my side, he looked nervous not that I blame him, Lucius had previously said in a letter that he would be here for Draco's first game and today is that day.

(Y/N): It's okay, everything will be fine. We're going to win, I'll make sure to not let anything get in your way, just focus on getting the Snitch so you can show Harry that smirk that he hates so much.

I knew him well enough to know that he let out a laugh because of the thought of him smirking down at Harry, with the Snitch on his hand.

(Y/N): Good, now that you're relaxed let's do this.

We mounted our brooms and took off.


It was the middle of the game and we were winning. The score was 90-30, I looked at the stands and saw Lucius sitting next to Snape so I did a little wave to both of them before continuing to play, in this small time that I had to look at them Lucius seemed pretty proud of us, Snape felt the same even if in a more reserved way.

All of a sudden a Bludger started acting weird and chasing Harry and consequently Draco since they were next to each other, I made my way there and hitting it to the other side of the field, I gave Draco a small reassuring smile but that smile quickly disappeared when the Bludger came back to chasing them.

Every time that Bludger tried to get near them I would hit it to another direction, trying to disturb the Gryffindor players on that side and trying to prevent it from hurting my friend. From the corner of my eye I could see Snape and Lucius faces, they had concern written all over them.

I got a little distracted with their concern and the Bludger passed me, but I quickly chased it, the Bludger was almost hitting Draco and I knew that even if I could get there in time to hit it which I probably couldn't, it could still be harmful to him so instead of chasing the ball like the other times, I made my way to Draco's spot and pushed away his broom, that was almost seconds from getting hit by the wild Bludger.

My arm got hit instead, but that was fine to me because I kept what I said of not letting anything get in his away of catching the Snitch besides the Bludger is the ball that I have to concern myself with so if said ball had hit him I would blame myself for not doing my job.

The good thing was that the arm that got hit wasn't the arm that I use to play so I could still keep the Bludger away from him. He separated himself from Harry just to check up on me, escaping the Bludger, Harry wasn't so lucky and also got hit.

Draco: You okay??

(Y/N): Nothing Madam Pomfret can't fix. Now, go grab that Snitch, I'll keep the Bludger away.

He shot me a confident grin and took off after the Snitch, he and Harry were diving after the Snitch and went inside the stands, the Bludger tried to hit them but yeah sent it to a Gryffindor player, Harry was getting behind, Draco almost fell off his broom after the Bludger passed him but I grabbed him and he quickly got his balance back.

Unfortunately Harry didn't get the same luck, he lost his balance and fell of his broom, Draco continued to go after the Snitch and he caught but he took a pretty bad fall while doing it. I quickly went to him to see if he was fine, my heart drumming in my chest at the thought of him hurt.

(Y/N): Hey, take it easy. You okay? You took a pretty bad fall there.

Draco: I'm fine...

He was about to say something else but the Bludger that seemed to be after Harry was now after me. It almost hit us three times but when it came to try hitting us the fourth time I was already tired of it. I had my wand in my arm protection so I took it out and pointed at the ball that had caused so much trouble.

(Y/N): Finite Incantatem.

The Bludger exploded into tiny little colored bits, almost like fireworks. A lot of people came to check on us, Snape and Lucius included. I looked at Harry only to see Lockhart trying to fix his arm only to make it worse by magically removing all his bones. He looked at me and came in my direction.

(Y/N): Get the hell away from me. If you even lift that wand I'll curse you into oblivion, I swear so get the hell away you bloody git.

I could see a lot of the people surrounding me laugh. Lucius kept it in but Snape showed a little smile. It was obvious that he didn't like Lockhart and I get him. I mean the man was a bloody menace, that could only talk about how handsome he was.

Snape: Don't worry, Miss Potter. I'll fix your arm for you, no need to go to the Medical Wing.

I nooded, he grabbed my arm tenderly as if he was remembering the last time he fixed someone's broken arm, it was obvious that it was a treasured memory for him.

Snape: Episkey.

My arm instantly felt better, the pain that had appeared after the rush of the game was over disappeared and I was extremely relieved about that.

(Y/N): Thank you Professor.

I have him a smile but my mind was filled with thoughts of victory.

(Y/N): We won Draco! We won!

He was already up so I gave him a hug. I was to euphoric to notice the goosebumps that I felt.

Lucius: Congratulations on the win. I'm proud of both of you.

Draco and I looked at each other in accomplishment, I looked at Harry once again, he was still in the field, but this time he had fiery glare on, I didn't really care, he hates not being the center of everyone's attention. He thinks he's special but how bloody wrong he was about that.


Word Count: 1067

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