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(Y/N) Pov

After a few minutes of walking, we were able to find a quiet sitting place so I would be able to comfort Hermione, she looked a bit better when Blaise released her from his embrace but it was clear she was still hurt by that idiot's word.

(Y/N): Hermione listens to me, nothing he said was true, he was just jealous, you're nothing like the person he described or made you out to be, and if you don't believe me ask anyone around you, don't let that idiot get you down, you're so much better than him and his words.

Draco: Yeah, I know we didn't exactly start on good terms but you're an awesome person, he's just jealous because he thought he would be able to manipulate you to stop hanging out with us or change your mind in some sick way, in the time we have talked I started to consider you as a friend an amazing one at that and if they can't see that it's their loss.

Hermione smiled at us, she still had tears in her eyes but it was clear she was feeling a lot better, Blaise gave us a look that said he wanted to talk to her in private so I nodded my head, hugged Hermione, and grabbed Draco's hand.

(Y/N): We'll leave you guys to talk.

Hermione: Thank you both for the kind words, it means a lot to me, you're really great friends.

She gave us another smile before we walked away to leave Blaise to comfort her, she was my friend and while I knew our words helped her feel better I also knew Blaise's words would help her in a way ours couldn't.

In the back of my mind, a thousand ways to get revenge on Ron and Harry passed through it, I was silently hoping for the day when I would be able to make them real. We passed through The Three Broomsticks, I saw footsteps appear in the snow, and Ron chasing after them, of course, they are looking for trouble not even caring how bad they hurt someone who has stuck with them since the first year.

Draco was tracing circles on my hand with his thumb, he hasn't said anything but I know he wants to give me time to think and let my anger calm down but also make me understand that he's here for me, sometimes I ask myself what I did to deserve him in my life. I stopped in my tracks after hearing a whisper of my name, Draco was confused with my abrupt stop, I looked around me but there was no one and it wasn't a snake voice like Hades.

Draco: What's wrong? Are you okay, darling?

(Y/N): Don't worry, I could've sworn I heard my name being called but I probably heard it wrong.

I gave him a kiss and ran away bending down to grab some snow into my hands and throw it at him, he gave me a look of mock offense.

Draco: You made my hair wet!

I giggled but quickly ran away from him, he was trying to catch me and tackle me to the ground, I heard my name being called again but this time when I looked around I saw a big black dog staring at Draco and I, the dog looked like it had a scowl on but that was maybe just my impression cause the next second I was tackled to the ground, hearing laughter from the person on top of me.

Draco: Apologize for making my hair wet.

(Y/N): Never!

He gave me a smirk and started to tickle me, I squirmed around trying to make him stop but nothing was working.

(Y/N): Fine! Please, stop! I'll say it.

He stopped and smirked at me, and trapped my arms above my head, stopping me from tricking him.

Draco: I'm waiting

(Y/N): I apologize for making your beautiful, silky hair wet, my prince.

After those words came off my mouth, my laughter echoed through the place, Draco leaned down and kissed me, stopping my laughter, I could feel his smirk against my lips, he let go of my hands and I rapidly put them around his neck, we were laying down on the ground with the snow soaking our clothes but neither of us cared, we pulled away and I heard a growl, when I looked I saw that it came from the same black dog, it looked like it wanted to attack us, his eyes were locked on me but he ran away when some students passed, there was something about his eyes, they looked familiar like I had seen them before.

Draco got up from on top of me and stretched out his hand to help me get up, it was a nice day, it might have not started as relaxing as I had hoped and it might have finished weirdly, but it was better than most days I've had.


We were now back in the castle, dressed in new warm clothes seeing as our old ones were soaked from the snow, when we got back we met with Hermione and Blaise at the entrance of the castle both of them laughing at our shivering forms, but it was so worth it, our friends had knowing looks in their faces like they knew what happened but neither of them mentioned anything about it, Hermione was smiling like usual again and that made me happy.

It was dinner time so we were in the Great Hall laughing and talking with each other, I had gotten used to the glares from the Gryffindor table so now they didn't affect me anymore, with all the cheery atmosphere dinner passed quickly and it was time for us to part with Hermione, as we were leaving I got stopped by Professor Lupin.

Professor Lupin: Sorry to disturb you on your way to your house but I would like to have a word with Miss Potter.

I cringed at the name but nodded nonetheless, Draco wanted to wait for me but I convinced him otherwise, once Draco and Blaise left, the Professor in front of me looked more at ease.

(Y/N): Sir, am I in trouble for something?

Professor Lupin: Not at all, after the incident at the Quidditch Game I was wondering if you'd like to learn how to cast the Patronus charm without a wand? I know you can already perform the Patronus charm but you won't always be able to reach for your wand in time just like what happened at the Quidditch Match, now, this is advanced magic but I know that a bright young which like you can do it, the question is are you up for it?

(Y/N): I would love to learn how to cast a wandless Patronus charm but I have a question, sir, why are you helping me? If you know who my mother was then you most definitely know who my father is, seeing as I was taken from him by your friends, so why?

Professor Lupin: Because I don't think you're evil, I think you are trying to make sense of your life circumstances and no one should be judged for that, not for who their parents are or from incidents that happened in their childhood, I'm helping you because I see something in you that I hope you will see for yourself in time and because you're my friend's daughter. Classes start tomorrow morning before breakfast.

(Y/N): Thank you, sir.

He turned around and walked away, I was thankful for this, if most people knew who my real dad is they would be terrified of me and never talk to me again, I decided to be on my father's side and that hasn't changed, but knowing that there are people who won't judge me for it is refreshing, I just hope I have more people like that in my life.


Word Count: 1342

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