New Sides

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(A/N): Hey Guys, sorry for the delay on this chapter, I was handling some stuff, guess who has applied for University, hope I can get in to the one I want. Since I took too long to post this chapter I decided to give you guys a treat and write something different, if you don't feel comfortable with dirty talk or stuff like I recommend to not read this chapter but it is nothing too dirty or too +18. Have a good reading guys.💚💚

(Y/N) Pov

As we went through the documents we managed to find a lot of incriminating facts, secret payments, and meetings with even more suspicious people, people who everyone knew to be Death Eaters but that I knew for sure that they weren't.

But would everything really be this easy? This man has deceived everyone, so surely things shouldn't be going this smoothly, am I just being paranoid? Perhaps but this is a delicate matter, one I can not afford to be wrong about, after all our lives are at risk.

Father had sent me a message, one I listened to as quickly as it came, he told me that all the 10 prisoners that were released worked with Dumbledore, a piece of information that was backed up by the payment sheet we managed to steal.

Professor Lupin's reply came a bit later than Father's then again our way of communication takes a bit longer than the one I have with Father.

The letter explained that while Sirius wasn't bothered by the lies he was getting impatient to leave the house they were staying at, he asked to meet up today, during the weekend.

Draco: Are you sure it is safe for you to go? Sirius doesn't exactly love us, you know?

Blaise: Yeah, and while nothing happened the last time, you still had your Father, Mr.Malfoy, and Professor Snape there in case something did.

(Y/N): C'mon guys, Professor Lupin won't let anything happen, you guys know this.

Draco: Fine but I'm coming too. As if I would let you go alone.

I smiled and went to change, once I was done Draco was in his usual black suit, an outfit that fit him nicely, it was always a sight to look at.

(Y/N): Don't you look dashing!

Draco: Yes, well, I have to look intimidating. I trust Professor Lupin but you never know who we will stumble with.

I nodded with a caring smile on my face, I looked at him up and down once again before sighing, I'm one lucky girl that's for sure.

Draco: Like what you see, darling?

(Y/N): You know I do, love.

I smirked at him, before taking some steps closer to him.

Draco: I know, I know. But do you wanna know something?

He leaned forward, his lips near my ear made me shiver, something he clearly noticed cause I could feel his lips twitch into a smirk.

Draco: I look better with nothing on, I would be happy to show you when we come back, how our clothes perfectly decorate your bedroom floor. How good you look pinned up against the wall, just like before. A sight for my eyes only, just like the lovely noises that will leave your mouth.

His lips trailed a path from my earlobe down my neck, one of his hands under my shirt, trailing the side of my body, squeezing my waist and pulling me closer as he made a hickey on my neck, I bit my lip to not make any sounds, after all, I wouldn't give in so easily.

Draco: Don't do that. I wanna hear you, loud and clear.

He pulled my bottom lip away from my teeth before going back to my neck, finding my weak spot, and doing another hickey there. Taking that opportunity to bite that exact spot probably leaving a darker and long-lasting mark.

I let out a gasp once his teeth made contact with my skin, grasping his shirt tightly and pulling him closer to me.

Draco: That's my good girl.

Honestly, I was in a daze and didn't notice when he pulled away.

Draco: Let's go then. We don't wanna be late.

(Y/N): What?

Draco: For the meeting with Professor Lupin.

I pouted at his teasing, making him laugh.

(Y/N): It's mean to tease girls, especially the one that is your girlfriend.

I crossed my arms and walked away from him before he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back to him.

Draco: I'll make it up to you, love.

He let out another short low laugh before kissing my head and grabbing my hand, leading me out of the school, all the way to Hogsmeade.

We went to the train station, finding an empty compartment was easy after all most students were at the castle. Draco pulled me to his lap, making me take a seat there despite the empty spaces.

He kept kissing my neck, one of his hands on my waist, the other at the back of my neck, near my hair holding my head in place so I wouldn't shy away from him.

Draco: I wonder if I can make all of you flush just like I make you blush.

I avoided his eyes, looking at the door, only now noticing that it was locked and that the curtains were closed. He took that opportunity to turn me around, we were facing each other now, my legs on either side of his, straddling him.

His eyes a shade darker from the stormy grey I got used to, he pulled me even closer, our noses touching, my eyes on his lips.

Draco: F*ck.

His low voice made my body shake, the air getting thicker by the second.

Draco: You're intoxicating.

As soon as the last word left his mouth, his lips were on mine, rough, sensual, and impatient. I wasn't sure what had gotten into him today but I definitely wasn't complaining. The hand on my neck grasped my hair softly and pulled, making me let out a small noise.

Draco: You like that, huh? I'll keep that in mind.

He kissed me softly this time, before wrapping his arms around me, hugging me, his head on my shoulder.

Draco: How about we go for a walk after we are done with Professor Lupin? We haven't had much time just the two of us. And I need your constant attention or I'll feel neglected and will have to do something about it.

His playful pout was enough to let me know that he was back to normal but I knew that that last sentence was anything but a joke, and thinking about it made an excited shiver go down my spine, but what has gotten in to him today?


Word Count: 1056

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