Second Task

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(Y/N) Pov

Having already found out what the next task was and how I would handle it put me at ease, letting my head be filled with the beautiful I had with Draco tonight, but once I fell asleep my mind was filled with something, I could feel my body reacting to the images but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes, it's like they were glued shut.

The image of a graveyard with a statue of what could be described as a reaper sent shivers down my spine but it didn't last long, I was once again in front of an open door, just standing there staring at the people inside from the stairs. The man from the Quidditch World Cup kneeling before who I assumed was my father.

He pulled up his sleeves showing the Dark Mark on his forearm, it was clearer, and father seemed pleased about it, Wormtail also got closer before going to the door and then moving out of the way for my father's favorite spell to kill the person who was actually there. I didn't even get scared when I woke up, this dream always ended the same way so why would I get scared after seeing it so much.

As soon as I got up from my bed I heard a noise by my window, I walked towards it, finding Lucius owl there.

(Y/N): What do you bring me?

The owl let out a sound as if she understood me, she dropped an envelope and a small bag, on my desk and waited for her treat. I laughed and patted her head before giving her one of Nox's snacks, and opened the envelope.

Dear (Y/N),

On the bag you will find the gillyweed you asked for in your last letter. I hope you stay safe and do well on your next task. How was the Yule Ball? Narcisa and I are excited to hear everything about it. See you soon and stay safe, my dear.

Lucius Malfoy

I had completely forgotten about the letter I had sent him after finding out what the second task would be. I could have asked Uncle for it but I didn't want him to be in trouble if Dumbledore found out, besides the Gillyweed is not my first plan. My first idea is the Buble-head Charm, but since a lot of things could happen I prefer to be prepared than to suffer for it later.

It is still a surprise that the second task involves a place that is so familiar yet so mysterious to me, after all, I see it every day when I'm in the Common Room, and even wave to the merpeople that show up on rare occasions, it's not like they show up all the time or are friendly but it has become a thing by now.


It was now time for the second task and Draco was nowhere in sight, I was worried I had asked around but it seems like no one had seen him. I saw Hermione and Blaise in the distance with the rest of our group, Fred and George asking if anyone wanted to make bets on the way making the rest of the group laugh and smile.

(Y/N): Have you guys seen Draco?

Blaise: Not since Professor McGonagall called for him last night.

Hermione: Why?

(Y/N): I can't find him. I'm worried.

Alexei: I'm sure he's fine. He might just be a little late.

(Y/N): You might be right.

Ilya: Didn't Viktor also say he couldn't find Helena anywhere?

(Y/N): That's it! They're the tasks. We have to retrieve something in this case someone precious to us. Draco, Helena, I'm guessing Ron, Cho, and Fleur's little sister.

Fred: So you're saying they're underwater?

George: That's ... Slightly disturbing.

(Y/N): I'll kill Dumbledore. I swear to God... This tasks...

We made our way to the pier, Viktor was already there with Karkaroff and the look on his face told me he had also found out where Helena is.

Dumbledore: Welcome to the second task. Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions. A treasure of sorts. These five treasures, one for each champion now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake. In order to win each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface.

We all stood at the edge of the platform, all wearing swimming clothes, Professor Moody whispered something to Harry, I didn't understand but I also didn't care, I made sure I had the Gillyweed with me and safely tucked away so it wouldn't fall once we entered the water. I wandlessly performed the Buble-head Charm and got ready to jump in.

Dumbledore: Simple enough, except this: they will have one hour to do so, and one hour only. After that, they'll on their own. No magic will save them. You may begin at the sound of the cannon.

Harry was coughing and got left behind as we jumped in as fast as we could, I performed a wandless Lumos charm, lighting my way, and I swam the faster I could, it was beautiful in a way, it was easier to see most of it now than from the Common Room, but that's to be expected.

I reached some ruins, finding a lot of me people guarding them, I went straight to Draco, casting a spell to cut what was keeping him underwater. I looked at Helena but I knew Viktor would save her, I grabbed Draco, and I could see Viktor, Cedric, and Harry arriving in the distance, I couldn't see Fleur anywhere, I looked at her little sister, and my body started moving before I could think, had cut her what was keeping her here too, I grabbed her and swam as fast as I could but I was no match to the merpeople, I was sure the other had reached the surface already but I didn't care, I wasn't about to leave the little girl here. I fought with the merpeople and the other creatures spell after spell, I had managed to escape most of them, I was close to the surface so I let both of them go, knowing they would be safe since we were this close, and did one last spell, and got to the surface just as the clock rang.

Draco pulled me to the platform and hugged me tight, my friends putting a bunch of blankets on top of me, even though I came in last, the teachers saw fit that since I had saved two people instead of just one seeing that if I had just saved Draco I would have had gotten first place, they gave me enough points for the second place so Viktor and I were tied.

I swear these tasks will be the end of me.

Word Count: 1151

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