New Headmistress

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(Y/N) Pov

I sighed and just thought about what might happen from now on, Dumbledore won't let himself get pushed away from Hogwarts, this place gave him all the power and authority he needs to manipulate people.

Draco: I bet that hag went straight to Dumbledore's office after sending a notice to the Ministry.

(Y/N): She's probably still there, rambling in the Minister's ear.

Draco: Do you think Dumbledore will say it was his idea?

(Y/N): Maybe. He doesn't want to step away from the Headmaster position, but saying it was his idea, will keep Harry from being that harshly punished. Harry will play right into Dumbledore's hands, even more, thinking he admitted fault for him from the kindness of his heart, or because he cares for him. While he did it so Harry would follow him like a little puppy, which depending on how he uses him might be a valuable card to use in the future.

I looked at Hades, knowing he would be more discreet and difficult to notice than Asmodeus.

(Y/N): Please see if you can get to Dumbledore's office, discreetly. I would like to know what's happening there, though it is quite alright if you can't, we will figure it out one way or the other.

He moved his head as if nodding before quickly disappearing from my view.

We sat there in the Common Room, the thoughts of going to the Scriptorium quickly forgotten as this information came to light, Draco brushed his fingers lightly through my hair to keep me from stressing out or overthinking stuff, it was relaxing, I could feel my body stop being so tense as I closed my eyes to enjoy the peaceful silent.

Half an hour felt like a second as I relaxed on the couch, I heard Hades hissing far from me, not knowing where he was coming from, probably from the tunnels that went on throughout the whole school. He quickly appeared in my line of sight, looking quite pleased, if that's even possible to notice.

Hades: You were right, mistress. The pink blob was talking nonsense in one of the man's ears, and that old man, whom I dislike very much, took fault for this so-called army, your brother tried to deny it, but the old geezer cut him off.

I pet Hades' head as he let out pleased noises, clearly enjoying the attention he was getting after completing what I had asked of him.

(Y/N): I'm assuming Dumbledore will be going to Azkaban.

Hades just nodded his head while nuzzling into my hand.

Draco: I doubt he will be going peacefully though.

Hades: Master Draco is correct, the old man disappeared with the help of his Phoenix right as they were going for him. Blinded me for a few seconds.

He made a displeased noise as he thought about it, clearly annoyed by Fawkes' actions.

(Y/N): Dumbledore escaped, and the Minister is quite baffled by that.

Draco: This just means that the pink cunt will be appointed Headmistress.

(Y/N): And so the nightmare begins.


We all stood now in front of the Great Hall, looking at Filch as he hung yet another one of her Decrees, this one stating something Draco and I were already aware of, I could hear some gasps of shock as people read it, it surprised me to hear such response after all everyone had probably seen it coming.

The halls were empty and even the light seemed dimmer than before, as if affected by the students' depressive moods, the moving paintings were all taken away from their respective places on the walls, and the gates were locked preventing us from leaving, this place stopped being a school and had turned into a prison.

I heard that Harry's little group is receiving their punishment and after being in their place after my first class with her, I knew exactly what they were going through, and right now I couldn't be happier by the fact that Hermione and the twins weren't apart of that group, though I still felt bad for Neville and some of the others.

I was going to give them all a recording of me speaking Parseltongue, but that thought was put on hold by what could happen if they were to lose it or even get caught, that would be bad for all of us, so I've been discreetly smuggling them into the Scriptorium while making use of the Disillusionment Charm, since Harry would never let me borrow his Invisibility Cloak.

We have also been trying to spend our time away from the confinements of the castle, going to Hagrid's Hut, or using The Marauder's Map to see where everyone was or which passageway would be better.

Lucius wasn't pleased with any of this, Dumbledore going into hiding only made it harder to know what he was planning, and the fact that we were allowed to go home for or during the weekends was really upsetting both our parents, at least Uncle Snape is doing everything he can to make sure Umbridge doesn't catches onto us.

Lucius has been talking to the other powerful, pure-blood families, to see if they could demote Umbridge from her newfound post, seeing as most of them were also quite displeased with the absurdity of her Decrees.

We all made our way to Hagrid's Hut in hopes of escaping the suffocating castle, but we didn't even get to enjoy Hagrid's company before being ushered along with him deep into the forest.

Fred: Any idea where he's taking us?

(Y/N): Hagrid, where are we going?

We were all simply hushed again, as he walked forward.

Draco: Why can't he just tell us?

I hear the rest of the group complain under their breath about this out-of-the-blue hiking session. We came to a stop and I eerily looked around, getting flashbacks of the spiders I had to face in our second ear, hoping that one of them wasn't just suddenly jump at us. The sound of hooves kept getting closer and closer, and yelling could barely be heard over it.

A group of centaurs passed right in front of our eyes, all looking agitated and in a rush.

Hagrid: I've never seen the centaurs so riled. And they're dangerous at the best of times. The Ministry restricts their territory much more and they'll have a full uprising on their hands.

Hermione: Hagrid, what's going on?

Hagrid: Sorry to be so mysterious, you guys. I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it, but with Dumbledore gone...I'll likely be getting the sack any day now. And I just couldn't leave without telling someone about him.

The way his voice shook, and his eyes shined with tears, was heartbreaking as if I would let that pink hag just throw him away like that, he was my first friend after all, the one who helped me every time I needed.

Hagrid: Grawpy.

I was snapped out of my thought by the sound of dirt moving, and twigs breaking loudly as if the ground was being split, and that's when I looked up. And nothing could have prepared me for that sight, after all is not every day you see a giant right in front of you.


Word Count: 1224

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