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The two little girls were shaking, absolutely terrified of me, but it's their own fault, they grabbed Draco like they had any claim on him and they disrespected me, I wasn't about to let them do that and get away with it, I won't hurt them at least not physically but I can't say the same about their ego, they need to get a reality check and I gladly get to be the one to give it to them, if they think they can boss me around and tell me to stop hanging around Draco they're extremely wrong. As if I would do that just because they tell me, how delusional are they?

(Y/N): You say you're better than me but you're both just two clingy little girls, trying to get the attention of a guy that doesn't like you and make it extremely obvious that he thinks like that, now I'll leave you with a warning, grab him like that without his permission and disrespect me ever again and I'll slit your throat, this is the only time you guys get a warning, if you even dare to try to do it again and go against my advice you won't just get away with a warning and I'll do exactly what I mentioned before, you listening? Oh, by the way, jealousy and neediness are not a good look on you guys, not that any other emotion looks good.

The girls turned red with embarrassment and with tears in their eyes, their other friends glaring at me and trying to comfort them, seriously how weak are they, they're almost crying just from a few words, Jesus. Draco laughed and ripped his arm out of the girl's hand and put it around my shoulder, there was people giggling at them and others asking if I wasn't feeling guilty about what I did, but why should I, they started it, you don't start something you can't finish against someone you can't handle.

Draco: I didn't say anything cause I know she doesn't me to defend her but talk to my girl like that and I swear I'll end you.

We left to seat on another part of our table, leaving the rest the rest of the students asking and murmuring among themselves if we are dating, the Golden Trio was looking at us, Hermione was proud of me, she knows I don't talk bullshit from other people and she loves it, Ron talking quietly with Harry so I couldn't hear it but by the way, Hermione's face changed I don't think it was good things.

(Y/N): If you keep calling me your girl, people are going to start misunderstanding you.

Draco: What if I want them to misunderstand, hum?

I blushed and put my head down against the table, making him chuckle and put his good hand and my hair and stroke it, making me feel drowsy with sleep, my consciousness slipping away into nothing but a relaxing sleep but I was quickly woken to reality by a commotion near Hermione, Harry, and Ron, like usual, because Gryffindor students can't go a day without making a fuss about anything.

Seamus: He's been sighted! He's been sighted!

Ron: Who?

Seamus: Sirius Black!

I heard a rustling sound, indicating someone grabbed a piece of paper, which I assume was the newspaper, my mind had gone from completely relaxed to high let in a few seconds, I didn't lift my head from the table feeling a headache start to form because of this subject. Is Sirius Black coming to Hogwarts? If he is, what will he do to me? Those thoughts and more alike ran through my mind making me anxious and nervous about the future.

Hermione: Dufftown? That's not far from here!

I tensed even more at this and I know Draco felt cause he grabbed my head from the table and put it against his chest trying to get me to relax, I would have to send a letter to Lucius about this, he probably already knows about it but we can never be too careful and he would definitely appreciate that I found time to send him a letter showing my concern, but I also know he is probably going to be pissed when he learns about what happened to Draco's arm since the school had sent a letter telling him and Narcissa about it.

This means I would definitely have to explain what exactly had happened, seeing as the school didn't know what happened, once he knows the truth he will be more reasonable and will not do anything that would make both of us angry. They both know how important Hagrid is to me and they also know that I would be crushed if something happens to him or someone important to him, like his pets.

Neville: You don't think he'll come to Hogwarts? Do you?

Draco abruptly got up and dragged me away to our Common Room, when we got there he grabbed my head between his hands, and looked me straight in the eyes.

Draco: Do not listen to anything they say. I know you've been worrying about Sirius Black ever since father mentioned him, I don't want you thinking about him and if I find you paying attention to conversations about him, I'm going to drag you away so you won't overthink what you hear.

I nodded not finding the voice to answer him, once I noticed how close we were, my heart raced, I could feel his breath near my lips, my eyes kept looking at his lips and back to his eyes.

Draco: I saw that.

He looked at my lips and the next thing I know a soft pair of lips are on mine, I froze for a second but when I regained myself I kissed back and put my arms around his neck. The confusing feelings I had for him now making sense, I was in love with him, I'm in love with my best friend, I'm in love with Draco Malfoy.



Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter, I'm studying for my final exams so I'm trying my best to come up with good chapters. Thanks for the support.💚😊

Word Count: 1014

My Brother's Enemy (Draco Malfoy x Reader) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora