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Hey guys, I'm sorry this is not a chapter but I just found out by reading a post of someone I follow here on Wattpad that a site name has been publishing stories without the author's consent, even using the author's username on Wattpad to post the story on their site, I was curious and went to search and see if this story was there. To my surprise it was, and I found it disrespectful that they are publishing my story and thousands of others without asking for permission and going as far as using our names without us knowing.

Now I don't know if it is a site owned by Wattpad, but if it is I would have wanted the decency of being asked beforehand, a Wattpad user created a petition to shut this site down, I would like to ask for your help in making sure it happens, since the links I put here won't let you go directly to the site I'll be putting the link to the petition on my message board.

Once again this kind of attitude is extremely disrespectful, it's blatantly ignoring the hard work authors put in writing their chapters, I would like all you guys to help.

My Brother's Enemy (Draco Malfoy x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now