Strange Voices

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(Y/N) Pov

I arrived at the Common Room, Draco was on the chair near the fireplace, a book on his lap, waiting for me to get here so I could read to him, I was going to do it but before that I had to have a talk with him about what he called Hermione.

I knew that deep down he felt bad about that but the feelings that she hurt by saying what she did suppressed that guilt.

I sat in the chair next to his, the hotness of the flames on my skin, we didn't say anything to each other we just enjoyed the heat.

(Y/N): We need to talk.

My voice was soft so he knew that this talk needed to happen, he knew that what he said to Hermione had hurted me even if I was on his side.

(Y/N): I didn't want to say anything in front of everyone cause I like you. You know that but what you did just wasn't right. Just like what she said hurt you, what you said hurt her, and that's just not right, she wasn't right to say that but you also weren't right to call her that, I took your side but I didn't really like you reaction, I know you were only trying to protect yourself and not let people see how hurt you actually were cause of what she said but the way you reacted was just as wrong. I like you a lot and I don't want to be mad at you so, I know it will be hard but you're both my friends and I think that none of you were right in this situation and just hurted each other's feelings so can you please just apologize and try to get along cause you make me happy and I don't want to lose that but I also don't want to lose her and having to choose even for a few seconds hurts me.

Draco: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel like that, I get your side and that what I did was really bad, I'll apologize and try to get along with her just for you, I don't like to see you hurt and if this hurts you I'll do everything I can change that and I promise I'll never say that again. Still I feel a little bit happy that you choose to defend me even if I also wasn't right and that it hurt you, I'm happy to be you're friend.

He had a soft smile on his face, I knew his promise was truthful since he never meant to say that word from the beginning.

(Y/N): I'll always be by your side, always and forever remember?

Draco: Always and forever.

(Y/N): Now I think I promised I would read to you.

I picked up the book he had previously chosen.


It was dinner time now, the Great Hall was packed, Harry wasn't here though, he was with Gilderoy Lockhart, I could feel two pairs of eyes on me, both from the Gryffindot table, I looked at it only to find that one of the stares I felt was Hermione, she looked like regret was eating her inside out I avoided her stare to search for the other pair of eyes.

I found Ginny looking at me, her eyes were a little darker than usual, the look she was giving me wasn't malicious but it still sent shivers down my spine.

Dinner was almost over when I heard a voice, it was creepy, but for some reason my body wasn't afraid of it, it was I like that it wouldn't hurt me.

Voice: Come, come, come to me.

(Y/N): Draco did you just hear that?

Draco: What?

(Y/N): Never mind. I'm going to walk around for a bit.

He nodded, I was following the voice when I met the trio.

Voice: I smell blood. I'm rip you, kill you.

My Brother's Enemy (Draco Malfoy x Reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora