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(Y/N) Pov

I was engulfed in a crushing hug as soon as I got near Narcissa and Draco, I don't blame them, they were probably dying with worry, it was a calming feeling.

Narcissa: Thank Merlin, you're okay.

She pulled away, put her hands on my face, and brought me towards her once more.

Draco: You were awesome, love. Everything went how you expected it to. I'm glad you didn't have to use violence, you would've been pretty heartbroken about it later.

(Y/N): I know. I thought the adrenaline of the atmosphere, would make me feel more awake but I'm exhausted in every meaning of the word.

Lucius: Understandably. You used a spell that almost no one knows, we don't know how it operates, as a matter of speech, it wasn't studied like other spells, it might have side effects we're not aware of, it might have taken too much out of you to keep it for such a long period for the first time. And you also used other spells that put a little pressure on the body, like the Patronus Charm, even though you seem to have mastered it.

I nodded, everything he said was true and I had thought of it before but this was the best option, the peaceful option.

Narcissa: You should go rest, darling. Take a long bath to relax that mind of yours that has been working none stop, okay?

(Y/N): I'll stay for a little longer. I haven't seen you both in some time.

Narcissa smiled brightly at me, while Lucius gave a small discreet smile, I heard footsteps behind us, so I turned around to see if it was someone who had anything to talk to us about or if it was just someone passing by. I saw Professor Lupin, and a little further away I saw Viktor, Dimitri, Ilya, and Alexei.

(Y/N): Professor Lupin?

Remus: I'm not your Professor anymore (Y/N), you can call me Remus.

(Y/N): But...

Remus: No buts, I won't take a no for an answer. Anyways I just came to say you did marvelously out there.

(Y/N): Thanks to you teaching me how to do wandless magic last year I felt a lot more prepared.

Remus: Well you are the brightest witch I've met, can't say I've met or taught someone else who can cast a wandless full-body Patronus Charm with just a few tries. Anyways, I need to get going, it was nice seeing you both again, you were such good students. It was nice to see you both too, Lucius, and Narcissa.

The man gave all of us a bright smile, it was impressive how he could smile like that while carrying all that pain in his chest, I wonder if one day this kind man will understand he has nothing to be ashamed of, the ones that should feel ashamed are the ones that judge him for something he had no control over. Perhaps that's what makes him such a nice person, the feeling of not wanting others to feel what he felt. I hope one day I can help end the prejudice against cases like this.

I smiled back, watching the man turn around to leave before turning back again.

Remus: Oh! I almost forgot. Here! It will make you feel better. Eat. Bye now.

I laughed seeing that he had given me some chocolate, I took a bite of it knowing he was right, there's nothing chocolate can't fix.

Draco/(Y/N): Bye Professor. We hope to see you again soon.

The man in the distance shook his head, probably due to what we called him.

Ilya: Girl! That was awesome!

I laughed at Ilya's attempt at making a girly voice.

Draco: Ah yes! Mother, father, these are our new friends. They're from Durmstrang. I'm sure, you know Viktor already, this is Dimitri, that's Alexei and he's Ilya.

All four of them: It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy.

Lucius just nodded in approval, I looked at the four boys, seeing a few wounds on Viktor reminded me that he had also been in the Arena.

(Y/N): How did you do?

Viktor: They deducted some marks cause when my spell hit the Chinese Fireball in the eye, it caused him to trample some of its eggs.

Alexei: Did you see your marks, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): No, I had completely forgotten about it.

Draco: You're in the first place, love.

I looked at him wide-eyed, there was no way I had been placed first, especially not after my little stunt in the Arena.

Dimitri: You did a great job. Since you didn't fight him, the fake eggs that were put near the golden egg to make the dragon get protective when you got close weren't trampled so they couldn't deduct marks from that.

Lucius: You weren't hit and you used two advanced spells that are way above your year, one that even some Aurors can't cast and another that has been considered a myth. So they also couldn't deduct marks from that, if anything that last part gave you higher marks.

(Y/N): But what about me freeing Hyperion?

Lucius: Just like you said to Dumbledore, you had already grabbed the egg, the symbol of your victory, so they can't deduct marks over something that happened after you grabbed the egg.

I gaped in shock, I was expecting to be in last, Draco seemed to have thought something and looked at me in panic.

Draco: (Y/N) are you okay? He didn't do anything to you again, right? I'll rip his head off if he put his hands on you again.

(Y/N): I'm okay, love. Lucius got there before he could.

Draco's first clenched, he was clearly enraged, his eyes held a dangerous glint in them, and like always it just made him look hotter. But despite liking this look on him I had to stop him before he stormed straight to Dumbledore and got himself sent to Azkaban, I hugged him tightly, making sure we were glued, and stroked his hair.

(Y/N): It's okay, I'm okay. Calm down, love.

I moved my lips closer to his ear despite our height difference.

(Y/N): I love it when you get mad and overprotective, it's a hot look on you but I can't let you go straight to Dumbledore and get sent to Azkaban, I much prefer you here, next to me. Besides your father threatened him, so I'm sure he will never do it again unless he wants to face the consequences of it. Besides he has caught me off guard these last times, if he tries to do it a next time I'll make sure he won't have hands before he can even hit me.


Word Count: 1140

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