Dead Body

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(A/N): Hey guys, sorry for the delay on this chapter but I've been in and out of the hospital this past week, I'm asthmatic and I've been having a lot of crises due to the high temperatures, and my inhaler doesn't seem to be helping with that so I need to go to the hospital so they can treat me, I'm sorry for the delay, and for not updating last week, I was able to finish last week's chapter this week in the days I was feeling better, but I can't promise you that I will be in any condition to update next week since I don't know how I will be feeling.
Hope you guys understand, have a great day.

(Y/N) Pov

After the announcement was made Fleur threw herself in my arms, thanking me repeatedly for saving her sister. I must admit that that changed my opinion of her, I thought that she was ambitious but spoiled and bratty, that she only cared about herself but this reaction shows otherwise. I can only think of how I would react if the situations were reversed, and that already makes my heart hurt, I looked at Viktor seeing him and Helena hugging, they make such a cute couple, I hope that it doesn't get ruined after he leaves, but I don't think so.

I got up from the platform's wooden floor but I stumbled around, Fred and George being the closest to me after Draco, though Draco was also still a little out of it from being underwater for so long and was in no condition to help me so Fred and George did it for him while Blaise and Dimitry helped Draco.

Fred: You were awesome.

George: Just don't scare us like that again. Blimey. I almost had a heart attack when Draco and Fleur's little sister appeared and you weren't anywhere near.

Mr. Crouch: Do you have a minute, Miss Riddle?

I looked at him, he was glaring down at me, like I had done something to offend him.

(Y/N): My apologies, Mr. Crouch, but I'm both mentally and physically exhausted, so I would like to get some rest.

Mr. Crouch: I'm afraid I must insist, Miss Riddle.

The look in his eyes told me I didn't have a choice in the matter, I looked at my friends and sighed before going to take a step forward. I heard thumping steps behind me but didn't think much of it.

Professor Moody: The young lady said she wanted to rest, Crouch. I'm sure you wouldn't like to keep her when she's been through a lot already.

Mr. Crouch sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance, he turned to the Professor.

Professor Moody: Run along.

As soon as those words were out of his mouth we continued our walk back to the castle, I could hear Mr. Crouch angrily talking to Professor Moody, I looked back at them to evaluate the situation when my eyes met the Professors, he did the usual head bow, before licking his lips and that seemed to have triggered something in Mr. Crouch cause he turned white as a sheet, stumbling backward, Professor Moody ignored the reaction and walked away but stayed at a viewing distance, Mr. Crouch quickly recovered and went towards Harry and that's when I turned to face forward.


Hagrid had called Hermione and me to take a walk with him, he wanted to have a chat even though it was almost dark outside, when we got to the meeting place Harry and Ron were there too, I rolled my eyes but continued to walk as Hagrid talked, I just wanted to lay beside Draco the rest of the day but I couldn't let Hagrid down, he helped me a lot and I'll never be able to repay him for it.

Hagrid was yelling how we were fighting to see who would be the youngest champion to win the Triwizard Tournament when my scar started to hurt, I looked around, there shouldn't be anything here that would make my scar burn, or that was what I had previously thought cause seconds later Mr. Crouch's body appeared in my sight, I sighed, Dumbledore talks as if this place is a fortress but every damn year something bad happens, I feel sorry for all the parents that believed that and put their sons/daughters here thinking no danger could touch them.

Hagrid ushered us away from the body, I cast a full-body Patronus to deliver a message to Uncle, that was the fastest way to let them know what we just found, and in no time he, Dumbledore, and Professor McGonagall appeared, Uncle looked at me as if asking "why is it that you're always involved" I looked to the side avoiding eye contact, it's not like I wanted to always be the one there when something bad happened.

I side-hugged Hermione, seeing as she was a little shaken up but still kept her composure, unlike Ron who was freaking out. The walk back to the castle was silent, Hermione and Ron went to their dorms, Hermione keeping a big distance from Ron so she wouldn't have to talk to him, Harry and I had to go to Dumbledore's office but I took a little detour to clear my head so I wouldn't get mad if Dumbledore implied something that I didn't like.

But I didn't expect to find Harry eavesdropping on the conversation taking place inside the office.

(Y/N): Don't you know it's improper to eavesdrop? Seriously, were you dropped as a baby?  You're going to get caught.

Harry: I think you would've been dropped more as a child than me. Seeing as I was their real child and that you were just some charity case.

(Y/N): Oh? if that's the case then aren't you just naturally dumb? Cause if it was the way you said it, you would be smarter than me but you're not, so I'm guessing you were just meant to be dumb.

Harry: I don't know who your parents are, but they would be disgusted to have a Slytherin as their daughter, a filthy snake. Maybe they knew and that's why they gave you away.

(Y/N): Don't be so sure of that. My parents would be so proud of me, proud that I got sorted into Slytherin, they would throw a damn ball cause of it. But would yours do the same? Would they be proud of you today, proud of the prick you are? Of your disgusting personality? I think that once they took a good look at all that they would beg me to be their child.

Harry: You little b...

(Y/N): Don't be bitter cause I'm better.

The doors opened, and the people inside clearly heard our conversation, Dumbledore was killing me in his mind while Uncle just looked proud.


Word Count: 1034

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