Well Deserved Punch

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(Y/N) Pov

To say that Hermione and Blaise got along very well was an understatement, they had just met but were talking as if they were childhood friends.

Draco: You're one hell of a matchmaker, love.

I laughed and leaned into his chest, to be honest, I just wanted them to meet because they look like they would be great friends but seeing them talk and Hermione blush when Blaise would say something that can be considered flirtatious was the cutest thing ever.

Ron was glaring at her from the Gryffindor table, I knew he was jealous but he didn't, he is so oblivious to his feelings that it's actually painful to watch but also if he thinks that could get Hermione to like him by being a douche he's completely wrong.

(Y/N): You know I had a feeling they would get along, but who can tell what they will become with time, seeing them now makes me think of how cute of a couple they would be but that's up to them.

Draco: Well we started as best friends and see how we turned out.

(Y/N): I have to be honest when I first met you, I knew you were going to mess with my heart, I just didn't know it would be like this but I'm glad it was cause I wouldn't have it any other way.

He smiled and leaned his head against mine, I could hear whispers of how cute we were. Today we would be going to Hogsmeade, not on a date but to stroll around with our friends, going to stores, buy some candy, and that sort of stuff. Lucius had written to Draco saying that most wealthy families were incredibly troubled by his accident and that they would be taking matters into their own hands, now we didn't quite understand what that means but it can't be good for Hagrid and Buckbeak, I just hope nothing major happens to them.

(Y/N): Sorry both of you, but we need to get ready if we want to have a nice long day in Hogsmeade.

Both Hermione and Blaise looked disappointed to have to part ways but their faces light up when they remembered that they would see each other after getting ready, we parted ways, Hermione going to her dorm to put some warmer clothes on while we went to ours do the same, it kinda sucked that we weren't on the same House sometimes but we wouldn't have it any other way.

To my surprise, I was the first one to be done, which rarely happens, the boys came down and we left to get Hermione, Draco had his arm around my shoulder the whole way there, it seemed like today would be a peaceful day and I was happy about that since we don't get much of those around here, there's always something to handle, someone to fight so a peaceful day is the best thing that can happen.

Hermione was done, she was dressed in Gryffindor colors which brought out her pale smooth skin, she smiled at us and made her way to Blaise.

Draco: They are so going to end up together. I think Blaise talked more to her today than he usually does with any of us, he's normally so quiet.

(Y/N): You're right, I noticed that and I haven't been his friend for long but you know what Hermione needs someone like that, she needs a good friend beside us, and if it does turn out to be something else she knows we would support her.

Draco: I don't think I've ever met someone as kind as you, you're so full of life that it brightens up my day.

I blushed, even though I should be used to him saying things like this to me, I would still get surprised and blush, it makes people look at me with less fear in their eyes but who cares, I can bring that back in a second so I'm not really worried if people think I got soft.

Draco: I love that you blush every time I say something sweet, I hope it always catches you off guard cause there's no greater sight than that.

I kissed his cheek and hid my face in the scarf I had borrowed from him, he laughed and we continued walking, we ended up near the fence that separated us from the Shrieking Shack, it wasn't our destination but the view of everything covered in snow was beautiful until it was ruined by Ron.

Ron: You know Hermione, you're spending a lot of time with those snakes, I think you might be turning into one too, you're even flirting with one, it's kinda disgusting if you ask me.

Hermione looked down, she normally doesn't let herself get hurt by these comments but I guess she was caught off guard, and the hurt look in her eyes made me pissed off, no one hurts my friend and gets away with it.

(Y/N): First off no one asked for your opinion, you just decided to voice it out and you know what yes she is spending a lot of time with us but she is better off with us than with you guys, who always bring her down, if you were her real friend you would respect her decision to hang out with us instead of being a little git, it is not our fault your jealous, maybe you should look in the mirror and see which one of us is making her feeling bad, she can flirt with whoever she wants, she's not dating anyone, you just wish it was you and not Blaise.

I glared at him and almost dared him to say anything, and here I thought this was going to be a peaceful day, I should have known better, Ron was quiet for a few minutes before opening his mouth again, seriously he and Harry never learn, they always have something to say.

Ron: Us? No, we're the good guys,  if she can't see that then maybe she is also a bad guy like you, and please I can get so much better than a backstabbing know it all who prefers to flirt with the enemy than to helps us end them, it's not my fault if she is a wh-....

I didn't even let him finish his sentence, I lunged forward and punched him, no one tried to stop me, actually, I think we all wanted to do it but I just happened to be faster, Ron stumbled back with a hand on his nose, some drops of blood fell on the snow, behind him I could see some footprints and I knew it was Harry under his Invisibility Cloak but I didn't care I turned back around, grabbed Draco's hand, glanced at Blaise who was embracing Hermione and looked back at Ron with a glare that would put the Devil to shame.

(Y/N): Talk sh*t about my friend again and I will do much worse than just a punch, you hear me?

He quickly nodded and continued walking, I wanted us to get to a place where we could seat so I could comfort my hurt friend, one day those two will get what they deserve, not just a punch or a harmless spell, and that's a promise I make to myself.



Hey guys, sorry for the crappy chapter, I haven't been sleeping well but I'll try to write a better one next time💚

Word Count: 1239

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