Background and in Betweens

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(Y/N) Pov

Tensions were high, Viktor towering over Cedric, in case he tried to punch Draco or even me again, I still had my wand up, holding back from muttering my dad's favorite curse. Uncle came up from the corner of my eye, if looks could kill Cedric would be ten feet underground ages ago with how everyone was glaring at him.

Uncle: 100 points from Hufflepuff. Try not to disrupt everyone's mealtime with your pettiness Mr.Diggory, and you should learn how to take a no. Oh, and do meet me in the afternoon for your detention, seeing as you tried to punch one of my students and that the decision of your punishment falls onto me.

Uncle turned around without another word, his black cloak flying behind him smoothly, I should ask him to teach me that, it's such a boss move.

Cedric walked away his face red from the shame he had just been exposed to, his arms crossed on his chest, just like a whiny child who didn't get what he wanted and is going to throw a tantrum, I wonder how he got this way but then I realize I don't give a f*ck about it, it's his parents, future wife's problems not mine, if he tries to make it my problem I'll cast the Killing Curse before he even sees it coming, and just claim self-defense, I'll say he came onto to me and the panic spoke louder than my rationality and couldn't think of any other spells, anyone who has seen his advances on me would find my story credible.

Viktor sit down, his fellow Durmstrang students sitting down after that, Karkaroff didn't seem happy that Viktor mixed himself with Hogwarts problems but nobody seemed to pay much mind to it, one look from me and the man was trembling in his spot, especially if my eyes turned red.

(Y/N): Thanks Viktor. I'm not sure if any spells would have been quick enough to stop him from leaving a bruise on Draco's face, even though that meant twice the pain for him.

Viktor: It's quite alright. I wouldn't be able to sit still just seeing him punch a friend. Pricks like him piss me off, thinking they can do whatever they want just because they have a pretty face and girls swoon for him, too bad that doesn't make his personality pretty.

Draco: Facts. Honestly, I don't understand the appeal but then again I'm not a girl and he isn't my type.

Blaise: Hermione also says he a bastard. He probably only charms superficial girls cause he seems so boring to even catch a real girl's eye.

(Y/N): He and Harry would get along just fine. One speaking sh*t about me cause he doesn't like where I ended up on, and the other cause he got rejected. Wait for it and they'll be sucking each other.

Draco: Father would highly disapprove of our choice of words or the lack of it.

I laughed, it's completely true, Lucius would scowl at us and give us a lecture on manners, on what you should say in front of others, how you say it.

(Y/N): He would! Lucius is always so composed, even when he loses his patience and says something he shouldn't, he says it with such elegance that you doubt if you heard it correctly.

Viktor: He seems like a respectful man.

(Y/N): He is. He took me right in when he found out the conditions I was living in at Dursley's, using his godfather's authority to make it happen, not even hesitating.

Blaise: Was it hard living with them? Sorry if I'm intending it's just that you never talk about it.

Draco squeezed my hand, he knew it was a sore subject I had told him about it before, but it was a long time ago and we're amongst friends so it's okay.

(Y/N): They would beat me up, nowhere it would leave noticeable bruises. It was mostly Vernon, he wanted us to do what he said, say what he wanted us to say, so if we spoke out of line or didn't do anything right he would beat us, in time we learned how to act, how to do things properly so we wouldn't have to get hit anymore, maybe that's why Harry's so screwed up.  It was a long time ago, Vernon hasn't laid his hands on us in years, I guess not talking about it before was what made it a sore subject.

Viktor: I can punch him for you.

I could tell all three of them were angry, but it wasn't worth it, I'm completely over it, I have a new family now, I'll never have to go back to that house, so I laughed making them relax and look at me confused.

(Y/N): It's fine really. I won't have to socialize with them ever again. But thank you.

He nodded and gave me a gentle smile. I looked at Blaise and he still looked puzzled.

(Y/N): Ask away, Blaise. I know you wanna know something.

He gave me a sheepish look but nodded nonetheless.

Blaise: How did Draco's dad find out? I'm assuming you just didn't go ahead and told him.

(Y/N): It was a little after finding out that Lucius and Narcissa were my godparents, I was at their house, they were the exact opposite of the adults I was used to and I accidentally broke a teacup, I got down to pick it up and Lucius approached and extended his hand, I thought he was going to hit me because that was how I had been previously raised if I did something wrong I got hit, so I flinched away, that told him everything he needed to know.

Viktor: I know you said it was okay, but I will still punch that excuse of a person if I ever see him.

I had the best friends people could ask for, it doesn't matter if I knew them for some days or years, if you're meant to be friends you'll know, you'll protect them even when they say they're okay, you will be there in case they need you to be, even if you have to fly or apparate to the other side of the country, I have those types of friends and I couldn't be happier.



Hey guys, hope you like this chapter, I've been writing chapters that give you a "break" from the actual story, so it's not just the following of the movies and books. I've also wanted to give you guys some background on (Y/N)'s life with Dursley's, along with their relationship with Viktor, hope you guys find it interesting, have a rest of a good weekend.

Word Count: 1071

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