"Then why couldn't you just say that instead of cutting me out of your life?"

"I don't know, I thought it would've been better if I pretended that we didn't know each other and tried to move on,"

"And where did that get you?"

"Not where I wanted to be," he said. "My PR team set me up with Hailee to try and get people talking and I finally said I was done with that,"


"I want to be with you!" He said back. "Can't you see that? I've always wanted to be more than friends,"

"I can't," I mumbled. "You know how I can't. I can't set myself up to be happy with someone just to have it all crumble apart. Not after my last relationship. You know that," I explained to him.

"Just give me a chance," he pleaded.

"Niall, I would if I could handle it emotionally, but I-"

I was cut off to him grabbing my face and kissing me.

After a few seconds he I pulled away and looked me in the eyes.

"One chance. If it doesn't work then I understand. I'm only asking for a single chance," he explained.

I started to back away from him as tears start to form in my eyes. I grab my keys off of his kitchen counter and booked it to the front door.

"Please don't leave," he said as I left.

I quickly opened his gate and started running in the direction of my house.

I could hear Niall yelling out my name, but knew he wasn't following me.

He always knew that about me.

If I left and wanted to be left alone, he knew not to follow or try and pry into whatever was making me like that in the first place.

As soon as I made it to my house, I unlocked my car and drove off to where I knew he wouldn't find me.

How can be think that I can just be in a relationship again?

He likes me. A lot.

He admitted that he loved me.

Does he love me?

No, no, no, no!

I like him.

A lot actually.

I made my way over to where I knew he wouldn't be able to find me. Mariah's apartment.

I got out of my car and headed towards the door and then up the stairs to her floor. Once I made it to her apartment, I knocked and waited for her to answer.

"What are you doing here? We don't have to go to set today," she asked me.

"I had to go somewhere I wouldn't be found, so this was the only option I could think of at the time," I explained myself.

"What do you mean you had to go somewhere you couldn't be found?" She asked and let me inside.

"I was at Niall's and he told me that he loved me or that he liked me, I don't know exactly. He kissed me and asked if he could have a chance, but I can't. Not after what happened with Jared,"

"Oh no," she said with a sad look. "But that doesn't explain why you're here,"

"I had to leave. I couldn't stay there after he told me how he felt and especially after he kissed me. I just couldn't,"I explained. "He doesn't know where you live, so I had to come here to hide out,"

"This is not a place to hide,"

"I had to," I said. "I like him, I really like him. Help me," I said as a tear escaped my eye.

"You need to tell him, he deserves to know why you ran out on him and didn't say anything, tell him how you feel,"

"Can't I hide out here forever?" I asked Mariah.

"I'll let you hide out here for three days at most, no longer than that,"

"Can't you be a good friend and let me just stay here until he gets married and has kids?"

"What if he wants that with you? You can't just make him find someone he doesn't really want. To me it seems like he wants you and you need to tell him that you like him and also might see a future with him,"

"Why do you have to have such good advice? I'll tell him when I'm ready," I said flopping down on her couch.

"You can hide here for three days and then you need to go back to your house," she said sitting down next to me.

"Next is my brothers house and then maybe Brandon and then I might just end up going back to Kansas City to hide,"

"You can't hide forever,"

"I can't even go back to Kansas City, he knows where my parents live. My options are running out, Mariah, help me," I groaned louder than I expected.

"I'll give you a full ten days and then I might tell him myself,"

"You wouldn't,"

"Oh, yes, I would," she dared.


Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now