Bonus Chapter 5 - Studio Sessions

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It's a bit strange being home by myself with just Aven. I've been starting to get used to it because Niall has been going to the studio almost every day the past few weeks. He's getting closer to finishing the album he's been working on since last year. He just needs to put the finishing touches on the selected songs and then it will be ready to be released.

He's been getting very antsy during this whole process. He just wants to be done working on it and just release it to his fans, but he knows that it isn't an option. He has to go to the studio and tweak every little thing that he feels needs to be corrected, which usually takes a while for him to do.

Niall likes to make sure every little thing is beyond perfect depending on what he is working on. His album, for example, is one of those. If he doesn't like the way a certain little snippet sounds, he has to change it so it is absolutely perfect in his eyes. That's why the small finishing touches take him much longer than the average artist.

I find that amazing though. He wants to make sure his work is the best it can be. He wants it to be the best before he releases it not only for himself, but his fans as well. He likes knowing that he did everything he can to make sure that his music is the best for his fans.

Like he has said in the past, once his music is released, it is no longer his. It's the fans. It is theirs to come up with their own stories for each song. It's theirs to piece together how they see fit for their own life. Niall may be creating the songs from his own personal experiences, but the fans make it their own. He loves songwriting for that small aspect of it. It's a different experience for each and every listener.

Anyway, back to him being in the studio and me being alone with Aven for parts of the day.

Niall usually leaves right around lunchtime whether that is before or after we eat. I'll put Aven down for her nap and then try my best to get done what I need to that day. Sometimes I clean parts of the house, do laundry, or my personal favorite of spending time all by myself. Once she wakes up, I'll feed her, change her, and then we play the rest of the day or until Niall gets home.

The times that Niall gets home earlier than usual, we'll feed Aven, bathe her and then put her to sleep. Once Aven is asleep for the night, we'll make our dinner together, eat, and then talk for most of the night, or until one of us falls asleep. Most nights it's me that falls asleep first because of being home with her all day. Niall doesn't mind because he feels bad that he leaves us a lot. I've told him several times that he needs to do what he needs to do. Him making his album keeps him the way he is. He promised that once he finishes up his album and it's released, that he will be at home all day with us. That's why I've told him that he needs to work so we get closer to when he's home for days at a time.

There are times where I need to go to the store or just out somewhere to get something. Those days when Niall is in the studio, I'll bring Aven there for Niall to watch her. We are still doing our best to keep Aven away from the public and this works for us. Today was one of those days.

I was getting Aven dressed in Niall's favorite outfit of hers. The onesie had said, 'Daddy's Girl'. It fit her personality the best because she truly was a daddy's girl through and through. She preferred Niall over me at most times. Well, unless it's time for her to be fed, then she loves me the most. Other than that, she's all about being with Niall all day.

I grabbed the small diaper bag from her room and brought it into the living room as I held Aven on my hip. I laid her down on the couch with pillows surrounding her so she couldn't fall off before I went into the kitchen. I got out a small bottle of hers from the fridge and packed it into the diaper bag as well. Now, we could go.

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