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"Hey, babe?" I heard Niall ask from the kitchen.

"Uh, oh. You want something don't you?"

"Not necessarily, no," he shrugged.

"Then what?" I asked back.

"You know how I'm going on tour soon?" He asked and I nodded. "How about you come with me,"

"I would love to, but I can't," I answered.

"Why not?" He pouted.

"I have new projects to work on, you know that," I answered going over to him.

"When do they start and end?"

"They start in a few days and end towards the time you'll be home,"

"So there's no chance you'll come on tour with me?"

"There could be times when I have like a week off where I can fly to wherever you are, but other than that no I can't,"

"So what you're saying is we're basically gonna be doing long distance for the rest of this year?" He pouted.

"In a way, yes," I nodded. "I'm sorry,"

"It's not your fault," he shook his head. "It's just how our year will be, it'll be okay,"

He left the kitchen and headed over towards the piano. He sat down and began playing random chords progressions.

He was really sad about this, I could tell. But it's not like I can just cancel all of the new projects I'm doing just to please him.

Not after I've gone through the process of auditioning, getting the actual role, and then spending countless hours memorizing lines.

I would never ask him to cancel anything of his if I was in his position.

I wouldn't even think about it in the slightest.

I sat down at the end of the couch closest to the piano and watched him play.

He has always told me that he doesn't know how to play the piano, but then he goes and plays an entire song without skipping a beat. I bet he could pick up any instrument, claiming he can't play it and then play better than someone who has been playing it for years.

It amazes me how much he can do.

"Bub?" I asked after a few moments.


"Are you gonna be mad at me when you leave for your tour?"


"Then why are you already acting as if you're already gone? I don't understand," I admit.

"I'm not," he shrugged.

"Then why are you trying to get out of talking about this?" I asked. "There will be times where you have a week long break where you can come home or I could visit you any chance I have,"

"It won't be the same," he stopped playing. "We haven't left each other since we started dating, we've always been by each other. I don't want to have you fly out to wherever I am for a few days and then we don't see each other for months, I don't think I could handle that," he confessed.

"We can still facetime each other, it's not like we won't be talking for months," I said. "It will all be new for us and we'll be fine,"

"You really can't cancel any of these new projects you have?"

"Niall!" I said already starting to get mad. "You know I've already been working on this for awhile, I can't just cancel them all."

"I would do it if you asked,"

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon