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"I have a surprise for you," Niall said as he came up behind me.

"What is it?" I asked him as I turned around in his arms.

"That would ruin the surprise, love," he pecked my nose.

"Tell me," I begged.

"Just be at my house by 3," he said before leaving the kitchen.

"That's all I get to know?" I asked as he left

"Sure is. See you at 3!" He yelled before the door shut behind him.

What the hell?

All I wanted to do was eat something for lunch and spend my day at home. But now I can't do that.

All because a certain someone has some kind of surprise.

Is today something special?

Did I miss a milestone?

Oh no!

I couldn't have.

Could I?

It's April 16th.

Is that a special day?

Oh god, I'm not good at this!

"Ugh!" I groaned.

Now I'm just going to be worrying about this for the next couple of hours.

Looks like I'm not having lunch today.

After many hours of me internally panicking, I was finally on my way to Niall's house. 

Who knew being within walking distance of someone's house would be as great as it is. 

Not only is it close to my house, but in events like this, it makes me be able to think through the many possibilities that could be going on at Niall's house.

The only thing that I know is that it's a surprise.

Whether it's a good surprise or a bad one, I'm not sure at all.

With all of the thinking and my head is all jumbled up, I had arrived at his house without a second thought. 

Does he want me to wait for him outside?

Am I supposed to come right in?

Will it ruin the surprise?

I pulled out my phone and quickly texted him.

'I'm at your house. Do you want me to wait for you outside or come in?' ~Aliyah

'Come to the kitchen.' ~Nialler

I locked my phone before walking inside his house.

"Niall?" I asked as I made my way to the kitchen.

I noticed a tall figure, slightly taller than Niall standing at the kitchen island with his back to me. For the shortest second, it could've been played off as Niall, but the hair was a bit lighter than his.

"You're not my boyfriend," I stated.

"You would be correct, babe," Niall said as he walked in from the direction of his room.

"If you're here, then who is this?"

"Why don't you ask him?"

"I'm not really following, who is he?"

"C'mon, love, you really don't know who I am, do you? I was told that I was your favorite and now you don't even recognize me? I'm hurt," he said as he turned to face me.

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now