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Arriving at the hospital made it all seem real. I actually have to go inside and have them poke around at me.

Why did I agree to let him take me here?

I got out of the car shortly after Niall had and kept my head down a bit.

As we pulled up, I noticed a few people with big cameras. Why did they need to camp out a hospital out of all places?

Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. "Everything is going to be okay,"

All I did was nod in acknowledgment.  We entered through the main doors at the hospital. Niall went to take a seat while I got myself checked in.

I gave the receptionist my name and my doctor. She told me it be a few minutes before my doctor could get to me with her being in another appointment.

I took a seat next to Niall with my knees lied up to my chest. I put my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around mine.

He knew how I felt about being in a place like this.

He slowly rubbed his arm up and down across mine to help try and calm me down a bit.

"Aliyah Brock," we both heard.

Both our heads shot up and looked to where the voice was coming from.

There stood my doctor at the entrance of a long hallway. I stood up from my seat suddenly feeling more nervous than I was before.

"Do you need me to come with you?" Niall asked.

"I don't think so, but if it ends up I do, I'll let you know," I mumbled.

"Don't be scared, okay. They know what they're doing,"

I nodded and then walked over towards my doctor.

She leads me into quite a large room. She shut the door behind her and motioned for me to sit down. I did that and waited for what she had to say to me next.

"So, Aliyah," she started. She always knew that I hated being called Ms. Brock, so her just calling me by my first name was a slight relief. "You were here just a little bit ago, why are you back so soon?"

"My boyfriend, um fiance, Niall insisted I came here," I said finally looking up at her.

"Is there something wrong with your birth control? Is it not working how you thought it would?"

I had come here a couple of weeks ago to get my new birth control. I had to stop taking the one I was on, wait until my body got a little bit adjusted to not having any weird hormones, and then finally start taking my new birth control a little over a week ago.

"Uh, no. I think everything is fine with that," I answered.

"Why did your fiance insist that you come here?"

"I was sick for a few days, finally started feeling better this morning, but then I ended up throwing up at the sight of food,"

"Can you give me a list of these symptoms you've had since you've been sick?"

"I've had body aches, random headaches, throwing up, nausea, I've been really hungry at times and then be repulsed at the sight of food," I explained off the top of my head.

"I think I may know what's going on," she began. "Have you been sexually active since you've been off your other birth control and the start of your new birth control?"

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now