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"I want to be with you!" I yelled out.  "Can't you see that? I've always wanted to be more than friends,"

"I can't," she mumbled. "You know how I can't. I can't set myself up to be happy with someone just to have it all crumble apart. Not after my last relationship. You know that," she further explained to me.

"Just give me a chance," I pleaded.

"Niall, I would if I could handle it emotionally, but I-"

I quickly cut he off by grabbing her face and kissing her like I've dreamt of many times.

After a few seconds, I pulled away and looked her in the eyes.

"One chance. If it doesn't work then I understand. I'm only asking for a single chance," I explained.

She started backing away from me just as tears started to form in her beautiful blue eyes. She grabbed her keys off of the kitchen counter and booked it to the front door.

"Please don't leave," I said as she left.

But she left anyway.

I ruined it.

I ruined our friendship.

I ruined the slim chance of us being together.

I ruined everything.

Just like I always tend to do.

Anything and everything that has to do with me, will be ruined. And it's all my fault.

Fuck! What do I do now?

Do I pretend nothing has happened? Do I forget about everything?

The bad times?

Hell. Even the good times.

But how?

Every second I've spend with her has been amazing. Definitely worth going through again.

I can't do it.

I can't simply forget everything.

Especially the past year.

What am I gonna do now?

I'm alone. I'm sad.

I just went through a breakup.

A messy one at that.

All because I have feelings for another person.

What is wrong with me?

Why can't I have a normal relationship for one?

A normal life at that?

I didn't even realize that I've been strumming my guitar and humming to myself for the past 10 minutes.

Of course I was.

It's what I always seem to do.

I don't think I can handle writing another sad song.

Definitely not one about Aliyah.

It's my job though.

Why not write yet another song about my feelings.

Nobody will know it's about her.

Just me.

Only me.

Or at least I hope so.

I turn on my phone to record my humming and singing just in case there is a chance of something good coming out of this situation.

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now