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Now that I'm 6 and a half, almost 7 months pregnant, I'm getting more and more miserable.

I once thought I wasn't sleeping well enough, but now it was worse. I would end up falling asleep and then wake up on and off throughout the night until I decided I'd had enough with it. My nausea has also started to come back, which is just lovely.

Niall has been a big help though, which I truly appreciate. 

When I haven't been able to sleep, he'll offer to run me a bath to help relax me. He has offered to sing me to sleep, which I think helps me out the most. When it came to my nausea, he had been giving me mints that had helped in the past. We have even come to the conclusion that other hard candies help me out a lot as well. So, the house is fully stocked with any kind of hard candy.

That's how my pregnancy has been going the past month. That's just the small parts of it. 

As I've progressed with my pregnancy the past month, Mully has also moved out. He and his girlfriend, Jordan had found an apartment almost straight away once they started looking. So he was now out of the house, leaving Niall and me alone.

I mean I'm not complaining about that, but it feels like the house is more empty without his constant yelling or him being loud over anything. I guess I'll just miss him. At least for the time being.

I just know that Niall and I will need to soak up the next 2 months where the house is quiet because once the baby is here, it will be anything but that. 

Enough about how bad my pregnancy has been and about how quiet the house is. 

Today, Niall and I had my 7-month doctor's appointment, which we were about to leave for.

Just as I was about to follow Niall out of the door, there was some pain and a lot of movement coming from my stomach. I leaned my arms against the wall and took deep breaths.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's going on?" Niall asked in a panic seeing me in this state.

"She's kicking a lot," I mumbled. "It hurts," 

"Take deep breaths, it will pass eventually," Niall said rubbing up and down my back.

 I listened to what he said and took multiple deep breaths. Eventually, what seemed to be contractions, faded away. I lifted up my head and looked at Niall to see a panicked look.

"I'm good now," I said.

"You sure?" he asked.

I nodded my head, "Let's go to that appointment. We can ask why I'm already getting contractions," 

"Alright, let's go," he said helping me out of the house and then into the passenger seat of the car.

We drove the 20 minutes to my doctor's office. We both got out of the car and began walking towards the entrance. All around us were a bunch of people with cameras. I put my head down and kept on walking to the entrance of the building.

"I was waiting for you two to show up," I heard right as we entered the building.

My doctor was already waiting for Niall to show up. I guess we were a tad bit late for this appointment.

"We were held up a bit," I said to her as we entered the normal room we were always in.

"Hop on up," she said to me.

I got up on the small bed-like table with the help of Niall. I lay down and lifted up my shirt like usual. She put the gel on my stomach and moved the doppler around to find the heartbeat.

"There it is," she smiled. "She has a really strong heartbeat," 

Niall and I both smiled as we looked at the ultrasound. She seemed to be moving around quite a bit right now. She was kicking her legs around a lot.

"She sure loves to move around a lot,"  she lightly laughed.

"She really does," I agreed. "She's been moving around almost all day today," 

"That's good," she said. "She is measuring perfectly for being 30 weeks along," 

"That's great," 

"This is all we needed to check up on today," my doctor said handing me some napkins for the gel on my stomach. "Do you have any questions?" 

"I have a few," I said to her. "Should I be feeling some contractions with only being 30 weeks?" 

"Those would be braxton hicks at this moment, it is very normal," she nodded.

"Also, am I allowed to fly in a week or two?" 

"Where exactly?" she asked.

"Kansas City," 

"You'll be around 32 or 33 weeks at that time, so I don't advise flying at that moment," she explained.

"Alright," I nodded.

"I will be right back with your ultrasound pictures and you can ask any other questions once I get back," she said leaving Niall and me alone in the room.

"I guess we won't be spending the fourth with my family this year," I said to Niall.

"We can fly them out here," Niall answered.

"Really?" I asked.

"I know how much it means to you and your family, so yes," he nodded. "I don't want any of you to miss out on your annual fourth of July celebrations," 

"I guess I'll have to call them later today to let them know," 

The door opened and once again my doctor entered. She handed Niall the ultrasound pictures making him smile as he looked at them.

"We are going to need to set up the rest of your appointments for this pregnancy," she began explaining. "You'll need to come in every 2 weeks and then once your 36 weeks, then you'll need to come in every week," 

"Where do we set those up?" I asked her.

"We can either do that now together or you can go to the front desk and do that there as well," 

"We can do that together right now," I nodded.


Niall and I had just gotten home from my appointment. I had gotten myself a snack because of how hungry I was. I knew we were going to be making dinner within the next hour so I didn't want to get anything too big. What I had gotten has been a craving of mine for almost my entire pregnancy. 

Goldfish crackers.

There was just something about them that I loved so much.

As I was eating them, my phone buzzed in my pocket signaling that I had either a text or a notification. I pulled my phone out and saw that I had I notification from Instagram saying that I had a dm from someone.

I clicked on the app and went to my dm's. 

It had been Mariah.

I haven't spoken to her in over a year. It was a bit weird that she had sent me a message. I clicked on the dm to see what she had to say after so long of us not speaking.

'Could we meet up somewhere? I need to clear the air with you.'

Do I actually agree to this? 


Should Aliyah meet up with Mariah? 

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat