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It's been a full week since I ran out of Niall's house.

Since then, I stayed at Mariah's apartment for three days, stayed at Colby's house for one day, and the rest of the week I tried my best to stay hidden at my own house.

Each day since I left, I've been trying to distract myself the best I could.

Days 1-3 were most likely the worst for me, no doubt.

I spent all of my days crying in Mariah's guest room. I barely ate, barely drank water. I don't even think I talked to Mariah except when she begged me to eat even the smallest piece of food.

The times that she wasn't begging me to eat or even talk to her, I tortured myself by watching random videos that I found of Niall. 

Some of them were just of him and had nothing to do with me in the slightest.

I ended up downloading Snapchat and looking at my memories that had to do with Niall. 

I probably shouldn't have done that because I spent the rest of the night sobbing.

But I didn't stop there. 

I went on youtube and watched more videos of him just being happy. That made me happy for a little bit before I realized that I won't get to experience him being happy anymore. At least not in person. 

Once I came to that conclusion, I put on his song on repeat and some of his band's most sad music to top it all off. 

That is probably what broke me the most. 

On day 4, I was at my brothers' shared house with his friends. 

That was a weird experience for me because I just showed up with no knowledge. They all had no idea I was going to be there. 

Colby had told me to just go to his room and not to worry about not being wanted there. 

I still didn't really talk to anybody that day except for my brother. I actually ate though, so that was a start. 

Colby made me eat some crackers and at least drink some water before something bad could happen on the inside.

Days 5, I finally came home. 

When I came through my front door, Michael seemed a little bit worried about me. He didn't really question me at all when I told him I was fine and then proceeded to go up to my room to be all alone. 

I finally ate a meal that day, which was a start I guess. It may just have been some toast and eggs, but it was something. 

I took a shower, which I think was actually really good for me. 

Not that I haven't been showering. I have been, but I would only just wash my body and get out to just be in pajamas and stay in bed for the rest of the day.

I took a full-length shower. I was in there for close to an hour. 

I washed my hair, washed my body, I shaved. When I got out, I looked like an actual human being.

Day 6 was the same as the fifth day, but I had a full meal and two snacks. I was very proud of myself yesterday for that. 

And that leads us to today. Day 7.

I finally got dressed. Like I actually put on everyday clothes and not just putting on pajamas for the day. 

I've already eaten breakfast and was now walking around the neighborhood. 

I even had the guts to walk in the direction of Niall's house. 

His car wasn't there, so I guess that's good to know that there was no chance of him seeing me walk past. 

I was only outside for about 10 minutes, but that's a start, right?

Anyway, now I'm just going through emails that I've put off answering for the past week.

As I was doing this, I realized I should probably call my mom back.

She called me a couple days ago, but with the state I was in, I didn't answer for obvious reasons.

I quickly dialed her number and waited for her to answer.

She answered instantly and sounded so worried right off the bat.

"Where have you been? Your father and I have been so worried about? Answer me young lady!"

"Mom, mom! I'm okay, don't worry. I've just had a rough week,"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you," she instantly apologized

"It's okay, mom, really," I reassured her.

"Now, tell me why you've had a rough week,"

"Uhm," I started before I was interrupted.

"Did you book too many different jobs? Are you getting worked too hard? Oh, you have been. Have you been eating? Drinking enough water? I hope you've been sleepi-"

I cut her off before she could continue on with her endless questions. "Mom. Mom. Mom!" I yelled to get her attention. "None of that, no. I actually haven't worked at all this week,"

"Then what is it?"

"Uh, you know, uhm,"

"Niall?" She asked.

"How did you know?" I mumbled.

"I'm your mother, of course I know,"

"I wish you didn't," I said hoping she wouldn't hear.

"And why is that?"

"Because I already know what you're going to say,"

"What am I going to say?"

"Go talk to him,"

"And you should," she said back.

"But-" I said and then she cut me off to continue talking.

"No buts, let me finish," she said to shut me up. "He likes you, he told me himself when I was visiting for your birthday. He said you told him that you don't want another relationship because of what happened with Jared, but guess what honey? He is nothing like him,"

"I know,"

"If you know, then why aren't you with him? From what I've seen when you two are together he treats you much better than Jared ever did, I've seen you smile much more when he's around, you've actually become your old self again. I've never seen you happier. Just do us all a favor and be together," she sighed once she was done ranting.

"But mom, you don't get-"

"You listen to me right now. I'm going to hang up and you're gonna go talk to him. I don't care if you're mad at me for this, but I'm done listening to you telling me that you can't. You can! Go and talk to him!"

"Okay," I mumbled.

"I'm gonna call you tomorrow and you better tell me what we would all want to hear. I love you," she said and then hung up.

My mother really just hung up on me.

My mom was always right.

Deep down I knew that I had to go talk to him.

I guess that's what I'm doing now.

Before it's too late.


Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now