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"Why did nobody wake me up?" I asked flopping down on the couch.

"You needed the sleep," I heard Niall say from the kitchen.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked looking over at him.

"I went into your room to check on you and you were already passed out. I figured that you must've been really tired if you fell asleep that fast?" He said handing me a cup if coffee and then sitting next to me.

"Thanks," I said as I took it. "I just can't believe I slept until one in the afternoon,"

"Well believe it because you did,"

"How long have you been awake and where is Mully?" I asked a series of questions.

"I woke up three hours ago and Mully had to go to his business a while ago," he explained to me.

"He left me again. How rude of him,"

Niall just laughed from beside me. I got up from the couch and went to go grab my phone. I came back to the living room and dialed Colby's number before putting the phone against my ear.

"Hello?" He said when he answered the phone.

"When will you be back in LA?" I asked him.

"We left this morning so we'll be back tomorrow night,"

"Oh, ok. Where are the three of you now?"

"We're almost in Colorado," he said.

"Let me know when you're almost to my house tomorrow, bye," I said and hung up.

"Have they started their trip back yet?"

"Yeah, they left this morning and will be back late tomorrow night,"

"What do you wanna do today?" He asked changing the subject.

"Absolutely nothing," I answered laying down.

"That's not like you at all," he commented.

"I know, but after doing a lot the past two weeks and driving many hours just in two days, I don't want to have to do anything," I explained in depth.

I'm not one to do nothing all day. I don't like being lazy and feeling like I got nothing accomplished. Today was different though. I just needed a day where nothing was planned and I could be as lazy as I wanted.

"Do you want to find something on Netflix then?"

"Yeah, sure," I answered back. "Can we get something for lunch?"

"Go for it. Get something delivered here. I don't want to go out at all," he said turning his TV on and going to his Netflix account.

I went on my phone and searched for something we would both like. It wasn't that hard seeing as we had the same taste in food. I found something I knew we both liked and ordered it before putting my attention on the TV.


"Come cuddle with me," Niall said to me after we finished our food.

"Just wait,"

I got up from my spot and picked up all of our trash and throwing it away. I shut all of the curtains making the room almost pitch black inside. I made my way towards the guest room. I slipped my hoodie over my head and then went back to where Niall was.

He moved towards the edge of the couch making room for me the lay towards all of the back cushions. I climbed over him and made myself comfortable. I draped my arm over his waist and put my head on his chest.

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now