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I never ended up sleeping last night. Not even ten minutes.

I stayed awake sitting by the pool with my thoughts.

So much so that I made an appointment with the therapist I had a few years ago after Jared and I had broken up.

That appointment was happening in just an hour and a half. So I had to get ready for that.

I walked into the bedroom very carefully to make sure Niall doesn't notice that I'm here. I poke my head in and saw he was sprawled out in the bed fast asleep.

I sighed with relief before going into the closet and picking out something to wear. I brought the clothes into the bathroom so that I could shower and then get ready.

I took a very fast shower as quiet as possible. I then got out, got changed into my clothes, and then brushed through my hair and put it up into a simple ponytail. I went back into the closet and put my shoes on before going to brush my teeth. 

I left the bathroom and saw that Niall was still fast asleep on the bed in the same place as he was before.

I quietly grabbed my phone off the nightstand where I had left it all night. I left the bedroom, grabbed my keys, and then left the house.

I drove in silence all the way to my therapy appointment. I arrived early, so I sat in my car waiting until I had to go inside the building. 

I went on my twitter and scrolled through my feed trying to catch up on what I had missed throughout the past few days. The thing that I saw the most was pictures of Niall and I from a few days ago when we went on our hike. I smiled instantly at all of the photos and then frowned when I thought about what had been going on between us.

I decided instead of sulking in my car, I was going to go inside the building. I got out of my car, locked it and then went into the building.

I went up to the front desk and checked myself in.

"Name please," the receptionist asked.

"Aliyah Brock. I have an appointment at 10:30," I stated.

"Miss Avery is ready to see you now," she smiled.

"Thank you," I smiled back and made my way down the long hallway.

Just as I got to the door, it opened up to my therapist ready to see me.

"Aliyah, hi. It's been a while since you've been here," she said letting me inside the room.

I sat down on the couch and said, "It has, I just need to talk I guess," I answered.

"Well, that's what I'm here for," she said sitting across from me on the chair. "Do you want to catch me up on everything since the last time I saw you?" 

"I think the last time I was here was when Jared and I broke up, right?" 

"Yes, it was," she nodded.

"Um, well since then I had moved out of that shared apartment into my own house, two years after that he was stalking me and leaving me threatening notes, I then moved out of that house and moved in with my current boyfriend," I explained. "That's the whole story but shortened," 

"Let's start off with how you moved out of that shared apartment. How did that make you feel?" she asked.

"It felt freeing I guess. Like I could finally be my own person again. I finally got away from a toxic person and was living my life like I had wanted without his judgement," 

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now