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This chapter is quite long, so get comfortable.

April 12th, 2019


"Is it too late to cancel?" I asked Niall as we were already on our way to the large studio space.

Today was the day that Niall and I had a joint interview. We were confirming everyone's suspicions of us being together. Well, we were going to shock them with the news that we had gotten married. We may even be confirming that I'm pregnant if we get asked.

"It is most definitely too late to cancel," he laughed. "Why are you so nervous?"

"I'm not really sure, maybe just the fact that everyone will know now for sure what is happening in our lives. We'll have more cameras in our faces than usual because I'm pregnant," I explained.

"I guess that's what gets to happen when our jobs are in the public eye," he replied. "Everything will be alright, don't worry,"

"I hope so," I said as we pulled into the large parking lot.

"If we get asked if you're pregnant, we're confirming that, right?" Niall asked.

"Yes," I nodded. "I don't think I'll be able to hide it for much longer," I laughed.

"Are we saying it's a girl or is that staying a secret?"

"Let's keep that a secret," I answered.

"You ready to go in?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," I said opening up my door and hopping out of the car.


"You're going to be coming in from the doors up by the top of the stairs. Aliyah, you'll be on the right, Niall you're on the left," James explained to us. "I'll introduce both of you, the curtains will open and you'll walk down the steps over to the couch."

We had been going over what was going to be happening during the interview for the past ten minutes. We were finally almost done with the prepping of the interview and now the time has come to actually do it.

"What kind of questions will there be?" I asked him in hopes to prepare myself a little bit more.

"Well, first we're gonna be having some usual questions that I always ask my guests, we'll have a short break and then we'll come back with some fan-asked questions," he answered. "Most of the people that are in the audience are your fans. That's why you are entering at different sides," he added.

"We are able to skip a few though, right?" Niall asked this time.

"You are welcome to do that, yes," James nodded.

"We're on in 2 minutes!" we heard a producer yell out.

"I'll see you two out there," James said before leaving Niall and me alone.

"Are you alright? You seem very nervous," Niall asked.

"I'm fine," I nodded. "I think at least," 

"You're not getting nauseous at all, are you?" 

"Not at the moment, no," I shook my head.

"Give me your wedding and engagement ring," Niall said holding out his hand to me.

"Why?" I hesitantly asked as I started to slide them off my left ring finger.

"This is how we can announce that we're actually married," he said taking his off as well. "I'm almost certain that we'll be asked if we're engaged because of the rumors a couple of months ago, so when we get asked we can put them on, and then it won't be kept a secret anymore," 

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن