Bonus Chapter 13 - 10 Years Later

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I feel like my life is fully complete now. I had Niall and my three wonderful children. I couldn't have asked for anything more than that.

I ended up having our second child, our first son, on December 10th, 2022. It took us a while to decide on a name, but we eventually did. His name was Hudson James Horan. He was the cutest little baby when he was born.

When he was almost 2 years old, we decided we were going to have one more child. We got pregnant almost instantly and we had our second son on July 24th, 2025. This time we didn't struggle with a name at all. His name was Noah Flynn Horan.

We had our 3 kids and we couldn't be happier.

Aven was going to be a teenager this year, which we were very scared about. We had never had a teenager, so it was quite terrifying.

As for Niall and me, we have been doing almost the same thing. We have been raising our children, still, in the same house, we've lived in since we've been together.

I have been doing acting jobs here and there, but I am mostly at home with the kids while Niall does his music. He now has 4 albums of right now that have been released. He still continues to make music here and there so he is still creative, which is good.

We all joined him on his third solo tour and even on the One Direction Reunion tour. We were just that close of a family.

I should mention that, shouldn't I?

They ended up reuniting shortly after I had Noah. They made a couple more songs together, nothing enough for a whole album. They did their reunion tour for the fans and that was that.

All of the boys cared for our children as if they were their own. They even had kids of their own at this point. All of our kids were each other's best friends. It was amazing for all of us. We didn't have to worry about whether each of our kids would have a friend because they were all their own friends.

We all acted as if we were family. A really close family. I loved it so much.

I couldn't have asked for anything better than what I have now.

15 years ago, I was in one of the worst places of my life and now I was definitely at my highest point. I couldn't imagine myself anywhere else at this moment.


That's a wrap on Put A Little Love On Me.

I am almost in tears that this book is truly over. I'm really going to miss all of these characters so much. I feel like I knew all of them personally even though I was writing them. It's crazy!

I started this December of 2019 and finished it in July 2021. I couldn't have asked for better people to read what I have written. You all mean so much to me. I hope to see you all on the next project I'm working on.

Once again, thank you all so much! I appreciate each and every one of you. 

If you want to continue reading my writing, then I've got some good news for you. My new book Perfectly Lonely is starting on September 13th! I hope to see some of you there.

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें