736 21 3

March 14th, 2019


I am finally 12 weeks along today. Or 3 months if you're counting like that. 12 weeks is the safe zone, I guess you could call it. There are lower chances of having a miscarriage after 12 weeks.

Niall and I are finally comfortable with telling our family and friends about the pregnancy. So, that's what we were doing today.

We were freaking out, you could say.

Of course, we were excited for everyone to find out, but there is also a lot of nerves around it. Once more people knew, the more chances of the public to also find out.  

Something that was pretty exciting today other than what we're telling people, is that I'm starting to show a little bit. Not like a lot, but enough to where you could tell close up. 

"Are you ready to call your parents?" Niall asked coming into our room.

"I don't want to just tell them, I want to have something extra," I said to him.

"You could show them the ultrasound pictures along with a pregnancy test," he suggested.

"Do we even have any tests?" I asked him before going into the bathroom to search for any.

I opened and closed the cabinets and drawers in hopes of finding at least one unused test.

You may be asking why I would have any tests, to begin with. We found out by going to my doctor, so why would I need any.

Well, every couple of days I would take one to make sure I wasn't dreaming this. I never was because all of them came back positive right away.

"I found one," I cheered.

I opened up the small package and then went into the small room inside the bathroom where the toilet was at.

I did what I had to do, put the lid on the test itself and then finished.

I left the small room, set the test on the counter, and washed my hands.

"I guess let's go tell our family," I smiled at Niall.

"Is Mully still here?" He asked.

"I think so," I answered. "Did you tell him yet?"

I already knew that Mully knows about me being pregnant, but Niall didn't know that he found out.

"Oh shit!" He said shaking his head. "We have to tell him first if he's going to be here,"

"Let's show him the ultrasound photos," I said grabbing them out of the bathroom drawer.

"Mully!" Niall yelled out as we left our room.

"What do you want?" He asked when he saw us.

Mully looked at me and I nodded to him. He knew what I meant by this.

He had to pretend that he didn't know anything he was about to be told.

"We have something to tell you and I guess to show you," Niall said.

"Okay?" Mully questioned.

I handed the photos over to Niall and he set them on the counter in front of where Mully was. I set down the positive pregnancy test next to the ultrasound photos.

"You're joking, right?" he asked looking up from the pictures to us only to look back down again.

"Not a joke," Niall laughed. "That's why she's been getting sick randomly," 

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now