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November 26th, 2018


I've been waiting for this day for the longest time.

I didn't know it would be this exact day I would be waiting for, but I guess that's how everything works.

I've been thinking about this for the past few months. Actually, no I haven't.

I had been thinking about it since I talked to her parents and Bryce about it and gotten their permission.

I had been thinking about it seriously though, for a few months.

I can't believe today was the actual day though. I'll admit, I'm so fucking nervous about it. More nervous than any performance I've done or just anything in general.

We've talked about this briefly before, so I don't really need to be scared of rejection, but there is still a chance, right? A very small chance, but that's still a chance.

I just hope that she says yes.

Yes to me wanting to marry her.

I can't believe it's actually happening. I can't believe a lot of things.

I'm actually proposing today.

And I was extremely nervous.

"Baby, we are leaving soon, are you almost ready?" I asked Aliyah as I entered our room.

"Just about," she answered as she kept applying her makeup. "Where exactly are we going?"

"I can't say," I grinned.

"Why not?" She pouted as she put down her mascara.

"It's a surprise,"

"Can I at least have a hint?" She asked still trying to get information out of me.

"We met 3 years ago this day so I wanted to celebrate that,"

"That's today?" She asked quite shocked.

"It is," I nodded.

"I can't believe I forgot that. I feel bad that I didn't know," she frowned.

"Don't feel bad, baby, I kinda forgot too. I had to go back to see when the awards ceremony was to figure it out," I told her to cheer her up.

"That's actually today?" She asked as I nodded. "We've known each other for 3 years already? That's crazy to me. I feel like it's been longer than that,"

"Sick of me already?" I teased.

"Never," she smiled. "Is it best if I wear heels or something else?" She asked changing the subject.

She was wearing a light blue dress that came down to her knee. She looked absolutely beautiful.

I had made sure that she dressed up a little bit for tonight. She may not know what is exactly is going on, but she'll thank me later on.

"Don't wear heels, we're going somewhere else after we go to dinner," I answered.

"Where else are we going?" She asked as she grabbed a different pair of shoes.

"Do you remember how we went on that hike for our anniversary?" She nodded. "We're going back up there again, this time there won't be anyone else there. Just the two of us,"

"What did you do? How did you do that? Why did you do that?" She asked constant questions.

"I wanted to. We'll finally be able to go up there without any worry of us getting our picture taken," I explained. "Are you fully ready to go now, it's about time to leave,"

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now