Bonus Chapter 12 - Surprise?

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The past year and a half have been wild. It is now March 2022.

Aven was now 2 and a half, going to be 3 in a few months. Niall is going to be 29 this year and I'm turning 28 in 3 months. It was insane to think about.

We quarantined in London until January of last year. We thought it would be best if we came back to LA because the virus was getting kind of controlled at that point. We also wanted to see our families, so flying back to the U.S was a good call.

Niall has been in the studio writing an array of songs for another album. He hasn't gotten a full album done, but he was okay with that. He didn't want to push himself and release something that he thought wasn't good enough, so he's only released one song since Heartbreak Weather.

I, on the other hand, have only done one acting job since I've had Aven. I didn't know how much I would be able to do since having Aven, so I have done what was manageable for me. And that was only one full job. I knew that after having a child it would be hard to get back into working full time, so I didn't want to do that until I was ready.

I think that brings everything up to date with what has been going on the past year and a half. Well, maybe not all of it.

Niall and I were talking about when we were going to have another child. We decided we were going to start trying once Aven turned 2. She's been 2 for 6 months now, so that's how long we've been trying to get pregnant. We knew that it would take a while to get pregnant, so we weren't all that surprised when the tests came back negative. It was a bit sad to see, though. We wanted so badly to have another child, so a negative on the test always made us a bit sad to see.

It's been a couple of months since we've started trying and there was still no luck with getting a positive pregnancy test. Each time I was a day or two late, I would go to the store and get a pregnancy test. I would take it only to find out that it was in fact negative. So we kept on trying.

Today was one of those days where I needed to get a pregnancy test. I didn't want to go to the store with Aven to get one though. Niall wasn't at home to watch her, so I ordered one online instead. I just had to wait for it to arrive before I could take it. I was anxiously waiting for it to show up.


The test finally arrived and I was in the bathroom taking it. Niall still wasn't home yet, so I had to have Aven sit in our bed to keep her busy while I was in here. I did what I had to before putting the cap back on the test and set it down on the counter beside the toilet. I washed my hands and watched as the test blinked, not showing an answer just yet.

I opened the bathroom door to go be with Aven while I waited for the test to show a solid answer. She was in a lying position in Niall and my bed watching something on my phone. I climbed into the bed next to her to watch what she was watching. She somehow found a video of Niall that I had saved to my phone.

It was very cute to see her react to videos of Niall from when he's performing either on his own or when he was in One Direction. She always got so excited to see him. She would call out to him as he could hear her. She would call out to Harry, Liam, and Louis as well. It was very precious to see just how much she loved all of the people she had in her life.

"Daddy!" she yelled as she pointed at the screen.

"That's daddy," I nodded.

"Daddy home?" She looked over at me.

"Not yet, Ave," I said.

"When daddy home?"

"Soon," I said as I got back off the bed to go check the pregnancy test.

I fully expected the test to say negative, so was in total shock when I saw that it was positive. I picked it up to make sure I was seeing it correctly. There were two full dark pink lines on the small screen. It was indeed positive. I was pregnant. This was actually going to be happening a second time around.

"Oh my god," I said, setting the test down to cover my mouth from the small sobs coming out.

"Mommy kay?" I heard from below me as Aven hugged my leg.

"I'm okay baby," I said leaning down to her height. "Thank you," I added, giving her a hug.

"Aliyah, Aven!" I heard as the front door shut.

Niall was home. Of course, he would come home at this exact time. What am I supposed to do?

"Daddy!" Aven said before running off to where Niall's voice was coming from.

I quickly put the test in the far back of a drawer that Niall rarely goes into. I wiped away the stray tears from my face and composed myself the best I could. I took a deep breath before shutting off the bathroom lights and leaving to go find where Aven and Niall were.

"Hey, are you alright? You look like you've been crying," Niall said as I sat down next to him on the couch.

"I'm fine," I nodded.

"Hawwy," Aven said to Niall as she was sitting in his lap.

"You wanna see Harry?" he asked her before looking over at me confused.

"She watched a video from one of the concerts from 2015," I laughed.

"Oh," he said. "Maybe he can come over soon," he looked down at Aven.

"Yay!" She cheered as she clapped her hands.


It was the day after I had found out that I was pregnant. I had yet to tell Niall about it. I knew a fun way that I could tell him though. And that involved Aven's help.

I left the kitchen to see Niall laying on the couch as he played with Aven. He had golf playing on the TV and would glance at it every once and a while.

"Ave, come here," I said, getting her attention. "C'mon,"

She climbed off the couch and followed me towards Niall and my room. I went into the bathroom and pulled open the drawer where I had hidden the pregnancy test. I moved around the things I had that hid it better and pulled it out.

"Can you do mommy a favor?" I knelt down to Aven.

"Yes," she nodded.

"I want you to go give this to daddy," I handed her the pregnancy test. "Can you do that for me?"

She nodded her head and began running out of the room. I quickly followed behind her so I could see everything happen.

"Daddy!" Aven yelled as she got closer to Niall. "I got a present for you,"

Niall sat up to a seating position where Aven was standing. "What do you got for me, Ave?"

"A present," she repeated, handing him the positive pregnancy test.

He glanced down at the pregnancy test before looking up at me. I had a huge smile on my face as he realized exactly what it was and what it meant. He looked back down at the test and then back up at me.

"You're kidding," he grinned. "You're pregnant?" He stood up from the couch.

I silently nodded my head.

"Is this why it looked like you were crying yesterday?"

"Mhm," I said as tears started to form in my eyes.

"We're having another baby," he smiled as he pulled me closer to give me a hug. He leaned in and kissed me.

"Baby!" we heard Aven yell.

We pulled apart and laughed at her reaction. She didn't know what was going on at the moment, but she will eventually.


If you have any questions for the Q&A, now is your last time to ask. 

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