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The past two weeks were the most fun that I've had in a while. 

Both of Niall's parents are honestly some of the best people I have ever met. 

I never knew how much other people can be like other people you know. 

But now that we had fun with his family, it was time to get back to the real world.

I ended up booking a new project that I was set to start filming within the next month or so. That just means that I'll have less time to hang out with people as often as I would like.

It sucks, but knowing that I get to work on something new is really exciting to think about.

April is the time of year where I like to book a lot of different projects for around this time and for even later in the year. I tend to like having my summers free to do as I please.

So, my year is pretty much filled up at this point and planned to where I know exactly what I'm doing for weeks leading up to months.

I like that though.

Knowing I have a plan and set times for me to do something. I've always been like this.

Ever since I could properly write things down, I would be planning out the littlest things of my day or week.

I would plan my outfits, meals when to do homework, when to see my friends and family, and everything in between.

That's just how I've been.

It's great honestly.

But knowing that I now have limited time with Niall before I am gone almost all day for days on end is sad to me.

For the last two and a half to three months we have been together almost every day with the exception of him having alone time with his family or even with some of his friends.

I'll miss that for sure.

Just being able to go to his house at a random time of day or night knowing that I could see him. Most of those times, I would even end up staying there for weeks at a time.

I didn't mind that though.

It just made me realize how desperately I wanted to sell my house.

I have yet to bring that subject up to my parents.

I know it isn't their decision on what I do with my house, but I like knowing that I can get their opinion on things I've never gone through that they have.

This just happens to be one of the things I haven't gone through just yet.

"Aliyah, babe, you alright?" I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine. What happened?"

"I've been calling your name for the past few minutes and you haven't answered. You alright?" Niall asked me getting slightly concerned.

"I've just been thinking about stuff?"

"Care to share?" He asked.

"I'm still trying to decide if I want to sell my house," I answered honestly.

"Can I put in my input?"

"Always," I nodded.

"I think you're gonna regret selling your house if you end up choosing to do so. Just bear me out okay?" He asked as I nodded for him to continue. "I know you love that house. You may not love some of the memories there with your ex, but you truly do love it. So, I had an idea. How about you think about renting it out or something. That way, you can keep the house and still go back when you need to," he explained.

Put A Little Love On Me ~N.H~ *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now