"But that didn't happen." He doesn't get it does he? "I wouldn't dare harm you, Mari. Honestly, I would have stopped it if you were the one to do that." He wouldn't be able to. He's too far gone to stop himself from harming those around him. 

"It could have!" I close my eyes and shake my head. "Just leave me alone. I need to get home to my husband right now and be at his side." I open my eyes back up and look away from him as my stomach does a flip. Not now stomach, please. 

"You don't believe that he's your husband. You don't love Gai."

"It doesn't matter. He's legally my husband." Gai Amatsu is waiting for me and I can't keep him waiting for forever. "I have to go now, so let me. I do not want you forcing me to stay here to listen to your words." Hearing him speak is so painful and hard for me. 

I move forward and he moves into my way. "Don't," he says, trying to keep me from going. "Please, stay." 

I bring up my hands to him and shove him away. "Go choke!" 

No, I shouldn't be like this. What if that dream is right about the malice thing? Why would I see something like that? 


I look down and swallow hard as my body starts shaking. "I'm going." I need to stop doing what he is doing or else things will get much more complicated. 

And I can't look back. 


I stare at the piece of paper, which confirms my pregnancy. I am really pregnant and this isn't a dream. This is really my child with Aruto.

I was going to hide it from Gai for a bit longer, but I ended up speaking to him about it earlier than I wanted to. I couldn't keep it to myself. If I were to end up showing, he would think something is up. He wouldn't be able to let it slide and if he is caught off guard about it, then others will know who the true father of the unborn child in me is. 

Gai sits beside me and puts an arm around me, making me tear my eyes off my results. "You're going to get through this. Mari, I'll take credit for the pregnancy and be the father of the child. I won't let you torment yourself by seeing Aruto."

"I have to see him for the time being, but once it is done..." It'll be done.

"We're going to need to be seen being romantic with each other. You can be all over Horobi in private, but you can't be all over him in front of others. We need to be convincing to those who know us."

"Are you suggesting we trick our friends into thinking that we're back together?" I don't know if he's doing this because he wants to or because he wants to make me feel better about my crappy life choices.

"Mari, you have to do something to keep Aruto from finding out about your baby with him. I know you don't want to raise that child like that, but what else can you do? I don't trust him being in your life right now. He's consumed by hatred and you're my priority since you're my wife. I want you to let me be the kid's father until this entire thing blows over." 

I nod my head and swallow a little bit. "O-okay..." This is wrong to do, but it has to be done in the current situation. Aruto is out of his mind right now and I can't let the kid be in danger because of him. 

Once this is all settled, I'm sure I can tell Aruto about the pregnancy. Right now it is best to lead everyone on. It is natural people will assume the kid is Gai's anyways. We're married to each other still and there is no way they will think Aruto is the father. No one was following me that night due to having no reason to. The media has let up on me for a bit now. 

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